The hemp-tards are really reaching around lately

Let me add to my previous statement, the states that have banned delta 8 and don’t have a recreational cannabis market or one in he works will paint a good picture of what states will implement these laws.

I guessed some authority would crackdown on d8 (a pretty wide net). I was about 6 months early, Vermont and New York (likely others) banned it. If people start doing it, it’s going to take time: for whatever legal body to catch up, for the trend to get adequate traction, and for it to get recognized.
What this means for us talking about it? If you’re game, start now, do your piece and get out in a year. I’m sure we can pull out all the stops to make it so we can avoid the 100mg CBD for 10mg THC. Extract your CBD, run it through an “activation column” (Heated T41 column) know your reaction yields, clean if needed. Dose into an edible. Do it all in house so no test results are required till the end, test it afterwards any you’ll be in the ballpark and (probably) compliant with the hemp rules

If hemp boys would hire a decent university trained chemist I wouldnt be so sick…


Rejoice child I am here. And for when I am gone I have multiplied

so the traditional market that existed for decades is no longer viable in them states… good to know


Legally buy d8 vs deal with losers in the BM?

I’m not trying to offend anyone here but at the street level, the black market has always sucked. No reason to glorify it.

Saffron sells for like $300 an ounce …


sounds like your buying sacks off the street. I consider my weed plug even closer than my own blood brother. we have been threw soo much together that there is no breaking that bond for life. Hes a person that can always bring his family for holidays and i consider him one of my 3 closest confidents…

I guess most of the “losers” here in the BM must feel just like you deep down inside… LOL


This guy gets it, lol. I can’t remember a time being stoked to do an illegal drug deal. It’s funny I remember there being jokes about “Would weed still make you paranoid if it wasn’t illegal?”

The answer is no, because with no fear of arrest and prosecution I can just smoke weed with no fear of repercussions. At worst a ticket for smoking it somewhere public, which the odds are slim at best of that.


Yeah I always was buying at the lowest level.

There were some glory days but I always was paying more than it’s worth and I’m not mad that I can grow my own legally.

Buying black market was a pain in the ass until I had a good connection direct to grower… after that I was proud to have “the best deal” in town. All things considered though I prefer the convenience of just going to the store… even though I am paying more for lower quality usually…

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Do you have any further info regarding this?

Here’s a mouse model study, I have to find the one I originally read.

And here’s a contradictory article

Edit: regardless of presence or absence of acute toxicity, consuming 1000mg quantities of small molecules forces your liver to work harder than normal and likely wouldn’t be a great idea to do regularly. We know the upper limit on most NSAIDs, with Tylenol/paracetamol/acetaminophen being around 3000 to 4000 mg. Might be apples to oranges but it’s still something to consider.


Wouldn’t cbd diacetate be a better choice for someone who’s consuming so much?

You could consume half as much as get 2x the benefit reducing your intake

I really think acetylated cannabinoids will be the future for bioavailability


Yeah pro-drugs are usually better in that regard. Salicylic acid still works to kill headaches but acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) works much better as one example. Heroin is another extreme example.


I need some.


I’m making some this week

Made d9 thc o acetate yesterday

Shit fucks me up xD


Nice color and clarity. Is it really loose at room temperature? I was given a THC o ac cart and it was like the super cut street carts.

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It’s even more runny then cbd it’s crazy

I bet cbd diacetate will be like water

Mine was neutralized and distilled too so there’s definetly nothing bad left


You already know bro.

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I still get my D9 manually. :rofl:


Can I purchase some from you when finished?

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