THCp Synthesis

A more important point is the heptyl analogues (thcp) is the concept of “full agonism”: A full agonist is a drug which is capable of producing a maximum response that the target system is capable of :
delta 9THC is only a partial agonist for CB1 receptor…almost impossible to find
any good data on lethal dose.
We discussed this elsewhere, the CB1 receptor exhibits partial agonism, full agonism
and inverse agonism and has a allosteric binding site for CBD modulation .
The receptor is a GPCR and is coupled to a network of intracellular biochemical events…
Think of “full agonism” as a “very dark- black box” from the psychodynamic perspective.

A summary of Lethal Dose data from “Edgewood Data” on dimethylHEPTYLpyran (thcp analogue/full agonist)

“At 50 mg/kg IV dose the initial stimulation included clonic
and tonic convulsions of short duration followed by marked
depression characterized by deep sleep for approximately 48
hr; after 3 days, the animal began an uneventful recovery. At
100 mg/kg, IV doses, the animal showed immediate depression and shallow respiration and died within 28 hr.
Minimum lethal dose (MLD) was found to be 10 mg/kg.
This killed one of the two dogs between postdrug day 3 and
day 4. A significant margin of safety (1,000) was demonstrated between the minimal effective dose (0.01 mg/kg) and
the lethal dose.”

If you have a nice recreational drug like delta9 THC, a partial agonist for CB1 receptor…
why would anyone want to explore the “high” of the full agonist…where you wake up depressed 48hrs later…with a (possible) loss of CB1 receptor activity and possible death 4 days later???

read about the European experience with “spice”/synthetic full agonists like JWH 18:

"A number of products (notably JWH-018, his 18th experimental substance) have even borne his initials. A talk he gave to the Carolina Cannabinoid Cooperative was entitled ‘JWH-018 – A Good Compound Gone Bad’. Hoffman has been vocal in condemning the products sold under the ‘Spice’ label, warning that their health implications have not been fully appreciated. He has been quoted as saying “We had no idea that anyone would be stupid enough to use it […] If you want to get high, marijuana is easily available.”

THCP…may be marginally “legal” in the criminal sense… but anyone selling it should understand the tort liability will bankrupt you with the first suit.