Thc-P Cbd-P and Crispr

GMO are obtained though genetic engineering techniques.
CRISPR is a genetic engineering technique.

But the US authorities draw the line of GMO at introducing foreign genes into an organism. As long as it comes to gene deletion, substitution, or introduction of DNA coming from a compatible plant (which could also be transferred using selective breeding), this is not considered as a GMO.

The public still would for a large part perceive them as the same.


I feel like it is sticking to science agreeing that something is GMO, because it is by the nature of what you’re doing to it, than agreeing that it is non-GMO because a US loophole. The US doesn’t even use the metric system.


Thank youuuuuu

I love how ppl love to talk about their opinions

If the theory is “the feds will be ok with me programming a plant that’s 10x more psychoactive than marijauna because it’s ‘hemp’”, i think this plan may have some risks to it to be polite


Very well. Didn’t get mad, though. Just encouraged you to use more appropriate, descriptive language. You said the person was “severely autistic”, and I suggested you say “suffers from severe autism”. I also remember it turning into a lovely conversation wherein you gained a better understanding of more appropriate use of terminology. You weren’t mad about it then, did I push a button that has made you mad now? Funny you used amended terminology when referring to it right now.

Fine. Then acknowledge that scince believes hemp and cannabis to be one and the same. People who wrote cannabis law admittedly know nothing about cannabis. You trying to say the lawyers and politicians know better than the scientists? Haha. What a joke!

I’m nobody, but at the same time I am also your target sales market as well as part of the community you have reached out to for help. Part of the reasoning behind my comments was to seek a reason to try and help. It would be interesting to have cannabis plants with one of the strongest cannabinoids known to man as the dominant cannabinoid. Ain’t a snowballs chance in hell I’ll help you with this project or buy from you as the “sole us distributor” of said GMO seeds.

Want to continue spitting at me, shoot me a DM. No need to clog up your own thread with your dislike of my voiced statements.


D8 is not made by the plant. It is a reaction that can occur naturally from d9 but the plant isn’t making it. You can’t bioengineer a compound the plant isn’t making itself. It’s the same case as with CBN.


There many different gene editing techniques which you can do that do not make a plant GMO by definition.

Selective breeding can be considered GMO if you want to consider any organisms who’s DNA has been modified unnaturally as GMO


That’s a very true statement. I did not even think of that.


This is actually just to give us access to more cannabinoids

Obviously thcp will be mostlikely grown by ppl with thc licenses

I just want the ability to make delta 8 thcp and stuff


You literally got upset that I used the words her own father who takes care of her uses

My point is your morals get you into a ton of tiffs

Idgaf what your option of GMO is im stating facts that I was told

If you dont like it then good for you, no need to redirect this thread

Im still waiting for you to highlight any wrong terminology or wrong plant science (as I know you like everyone else misread what I was being asked)

Still, in CBD plants, the CBD:d8 ratio always naturally lies in a pretty narrow range… :thinking:

Where is it coming from ?


I’m not sure whether the state agencies will be any more ok with it. And they generally have designated more authority to regulatory agencies to change rules quickly.


Good luck changing the legal definition of hemp!!!

My guess is reacting with natural acids in the plant. Formic, humic, oxalic etc.


You just said it would be grown under thc license not hemp…


They told me that even though the cbd gene makes thc they still think they can make a thc free hemp strain still

No clue how this could be possible

Id like to thank everyone who’s contributed to this discussion @Dabatronicus, @silverstudent, @MagisterChemist, @Akoyeh, @r33fermadness and anyone I missed

You guys gave me some good info to give to Korea


Cbd and Thc are made by different genes/synthases

Skunk #1 apparently had a nonfunctional cbd gene so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible with Thc


That is what I believe too. It is a plant metabolite.

Thus, one can say that this is produced by the plant. Just indirectly. :woman_shrugging:

One could bioengineer more acid plants (or metalic ?), who would metabolize more d8, in theory.

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By that definition, then yes you could consider it to be produced by the plant. Who knows if increasing that metabolic process would be possible without affecting plant growth but could be possible