Thc-o-acetate Reviews / Reports

I haven’t really experienced this but I’ve seen a few posts on Reddit saying the exact same thing as you, coughing 5-10 minutes after dabbing

That looks like a reaction lol

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It looks like bad news to me.

I will say by the time the distillate was given to the lab and they were able to test the thco had been out of the jar for almost 3 weeks. It had noticeable oxidation and a heavy vinegar smell when I dropped it off, and sat at the lab for over a week.

All that being said it is pretty alarming if thco is able to degrade that fast. That and this was probably a boof batch.


So you stored it improperly, of course the material will degrade. Not a great starting point for passing judgement imo


If it smells like vinegar it’s degrading

Thc o doesn’t do well being left out to oxygen and moisture


Ok and? Why are you belittling me for “improper storage”. Do you expect custys to take upmost care of their extracts? I took better care of it than a normal consumer, sealed mason jar and put the sample in a fresh 7ml jar. The sample sat at the lab for a week which was out of my control. It’s pretty bad if the product is able to degrade by a few weeks being stored “improperly” which is the point I’m trying to prove!

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Right, which is why I mentioned that and the fact it was vinegary. It had been out of the jar from the wholesaler for not that long. What do you expect to happen to thco carts , syringes and jars sitting in a warehouse or on retail shelves?

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Depends how you store it, it’s not impossible to keep from degrading

I’m actually making some right now lol

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This thread has now focused on THC-O-A’s Achilles heel. It is unstable and has a short shelf life, degrading into acetic acid.

We made it in 10 gram batches and there was never any left after the students finished with it, but when we made 10 gram batches for ourselves, even split three or four ways, mine always lasted long enough for a bite before it was all gone.

That was refrigerated in an opaque jar, but not blanketed with nitrogen or stored with a desiccate to keep moisture away.

  1. No one is belittling you
  2. Improper storage conditions are what they are. Your responsibility to take care of the material according its requirements. If you can’t meet them, who’s at fault?
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Carts, syringes and jars would all be vacuum sealed to prevent degradation

If there’s a will there’s 3 ways

I remember seeing “the clear scientist” Chris B. Made some and he was posting pictures of people passed our after taking a dab. His thc-o was also different looking than any one else’s I’ve seen. I’d like to believe he did it right and most are doing it very wrong.

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Right but what happens when you sell to a consumer and they break the seal?

You can tell as many people as you want what to do, but chances are most won’t follow the proper steps.

We’re not talking about hash rosin here, we’re talking about thco that anyone can buy online for an affordable price.

I did my research and knew what I was doing by not properly storing thco, but I doubt consumers are going to take storage instructions as seriously as they should.


Then that’s on them

Were putting on the package that it has a 2 week shelf life once opened, im sure once they ruin a few carts they’ll figure it out


FORTRESS of peaks!!

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To me, it kinda seems like selling CBD carts with a heat pack and saying it will crystallize in a week… except in this case it’s causing terrible side reactions.

you know people are gonna consume it after the date on the package. Saying it’s “on them” when you don’t even know what’s going on the compound after being packaged seems pretty fucked up especially if people are inhaling it…

Especially if you have knowledge that’s it’s degrading into nasty compounds when the average consumer isn’t aware of this.


How do you know I don’t know what’s going on with the compound when it degrades? That’s a pretty big assumption for someone who couldn’t even keep his thc o away from air

If I have an expiration date on a package and you’re not smart enough to read the big bold print that says do not smoke after 2 weeks of being open you probably shouldn’t be consuming any kind of drugs to begin with because your a moron

I’m sorry but I’m not out to try and fix stupid

I wouldn’t say it’s not worthy of products. There are plenty of acylated or acetylated compounds that exist as products but do not degrade quick enough to not be viable products. Aspirin and heroin are two off the top of my head. Someone told me to smell old aspirin bottles and they smell similarly vinigar-y. THC-O-Ac may need to be in a different delivery vehicle, stored with stabilizers, or maybe need to be sold in sealed, small quantities for personal usage, or pressed into tablets, or even just sold in food.

Research needs to be done on proper samples before conclusions can be drawn on shelf life and viability.


Maybe you should put this turns into toxic sludge after two weeks, or a more consumer friendly method of saying this should not be used 2 weeks after opened.

Deadass I’m not being cheeky.

I don’t think anyone should be hurt from trying to get high off legal thc. Imagine someone dabbing 3 month old red thco and ending up in the hospital a few days later.

I just really believe the average consumer is not aware of what they are getting themselves into with thco no matter how many disclaimers you put. People might take a awakening as some bullshit legal loophole and won’t follow.

This is coming from someone who gave d8 edibles to my parents and their friends after EXPLICITLY telling them to only eat a half. They all are 1 or 2 whole gummies and called me that night freaking out asking how to end it.

Consumers in this industry liek to think rules don’t apply to them…


One of my buddies has some of the thc o acetate we made in Nevada from over a year ago and he said it’s still good and he still smokes on it


These were in carts too