Thank you for the help!

My sister was just diagnosed with metastatic cancer. Can anyone please recommend specific integrative oncologists? Are there any support groups to reach out to? Is there any absolute information proving without a doubt that CBD, THC, or any other cannabinoid actually kills cancer cells and stops them from metastasizing? Is there anything I can do or should do to help her prepare for chemotherapy next week? Has anyone gone thru this or is anyone going thru this?


Look up Dr Brzezinski on YouTube and Google to get an idea of how much of a badass this dude is.

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I am sorry to hear your sister is going through this. I cannot offer any advice. I do have CBD isolate on hand and I would be more than happy to ship some to you free of charge if it is something that you would like to try. If so, DM me and we can get things rolling.


It absolutely helps without a doubt, that will either be in the pain relief side or tumor reduction. I would get her on as many cannabinoids now she can handle while you figure out a plan. Theres no down side and chemo tends to add to the help needed from the cannabinoids.


It’s been a while but last few studies I read about said that the best results in controlling tumor growth were achieved with Delta 8 and with CBD-HHC


Ok everyone she is open to treatment and ready to start now. Can any extractors please link up with me ASAP to help us work out a treatment plan and supply contract? I expect to pay, this is not a request for charity. I want the purest cleanest safest product we can get for her, and I need it asap please. I will pay to expedite shipping and will sign purchase agreement for the product. We are thinking CBD isolate, ideally 1000mg daily capsules since she is already taking pills, and I can make the capsules myself if needed. Can anyone help me please? Thank you so very much, I can’t express how significant this would be for our family <3


I’m sorry it’s saying your profile is private and I can’t DM you, but please feel free to DM me or respond in the open, that’s totally ok. Thank you.

I’m so sorry that you and your family are experiencing this. Where is your sister located?


You’re gonna have trouble fitting 1000mg in a single pill

You can mix it with mct/coconut oil and make a well saturated solution, then deposit into gel capsules using a syringe/cart farmer, or just provide tincture and a measuring dropper

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We are in Maryland, and she is traveling back and fourth between Miami and Baltimore. Chemo starts next Monday :frowning:

Can you please recommend a recipe or common knowledge sop? Is 1000mg too aggressive? Is anyone using this method for systemic adjunct therapy?

Volume wise might be to much. If your set on making caps, just dissolve your isolate in mct until no more will and then your maxed out. I would say just swallow the powder but if she’s traveling alot a big bag of white powder might be a hassle.


@jval13 has some very effective medicine that you might not find anywhere else.


Thank you very very much for the help. I realize now I should have used the search bar but I admit I’m not thinking clearly this week. Thank you for the kind response.

Definitely not in your situation - no time to waste.


My heart breaks for you @cbdtomorrow. My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer 8 months ago. It was inoperable as well. I started her on D8/D9 gummies and chocolates. She told me one day after starting that she was pain free. She said she also felt like the cancer was already shrinking due to the pain in her hip was almost 100% gone. Her docs told her she still needed chemo and radiation which she endured at 76 years old. She hasn’t stopped eating the meds I made for her and she never took more than 3 or 4 pain pills as they completely hurt her rather than help her. Anyway, I believe in cannabis wholeheartedly. May not work for all, but I saw it help her with my own eyes as did my whole family. May you and yours be blessed while enduring this life trial. If I can help just let me know.


Hoping for the best for your loved one, please let us know if there’s anything more we can do to help.


Have you tried suppositories with her? They’re are some good resources: