Synthetic Chemists

Would learning skills such as cheminformatics, pharmacokinetics, etc be worth it? As someone whose skillset consists of: cyber security, finance+accounting, management consulting, and a lot of cannabis-specific stuff I’ve found it’s pretty hard to clearly command value if you’re not focusing 100% on one of those. Been seriously considering getting an MS in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

Sometimes there’s old but decent LC/HPLC’s on ebay for under $4k

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Soon, all will be enlightened.


My understanding is those skills are way more widely applicable than cheminformatics, and im basing that on lurking around the silicon valley startup world for 5 years now.
Cheminformatics is a super niche field, as is computational chemistry in general

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Yeah, is the same in the average tech startup as well. All about the money money money.
Coding is fun and lots of really interesting people in tech startups but also super greedy folk, life is what you make of it

Pharmacokinetics and dynamics of cannabinoids would have some use, at least in the formulating sector. There’s a couple of good papers out there where a fair amount of research was done into this subject. Comparing the bioavailability of various dosages, excipient, points of entry, etc makes for more effective products.

Drug action and design was always fascinating to me. I would expect jobs with those duties and requirements to be a bit more sparse for now, until the industry matures more and has more research and development roles.

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I have a background in organic synthesis (PhD in Physical Organic Chemistry) and am willing to explore some ideas with you. Feel free to DM me and we can design some experiments.



Thx for the book @Ruwan!


Why would one want a synthetic chemist when the organic ones are so readily available :mushroom:


I have a hunch of which “chemist” you specifically alluded to on a thread here. :wink:

I am beyond delighted to see this! I’m going to screenshot this and send it to Dr. Scudder.

He secretly takes pleasure knowing the knowledge acquired from his book is being used beyond the scope of its intended use.


What’s the process for testing acid forms? The method I saw looked like a pain

Have you seen Hamilton’s Pharmacopoeia on Netflix? This guy has some serious resources and has yet to do an episode on cannabis/cannabinoids.


Ohh you know the dude. Tell him he is very smart being able to deliver some of this information the way he does!

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No, I don’t know him, but I wonder if he knows about this place. He seems like a pretty cool guy, I think he’d have alot of respect for what you geniuses are upto here and may want to get involved

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Dont delete this!

I was responding to you.

:+1::grin:. 10/4

Genius…mhmmmm those are flattering words but unfortunately most everything i know is from failure :wink:

He would enjoy this though. I wonder if there is a way to get his attention :thinking:


There are ways. He knows about this website.


Chemistry and research is actually mainly about serendipity. You aim to something quite specific, test try and try, not quite everything goes really like planned, you first think it is a fail… but in fact it is not at all. In fact you find something you were not looking for. It is a lot of that, and it is endless.