I’m putting an evaporator together and was wondering if anyone out there had an easy solution and source for parts that would allow me to inject the solution with some type of misting/atomizing nozzle type device- I am stumped
I am trying to get the solution to spray sideways and hit the walls first- if need be I can fabricate something but I’d love to just order the part and get on with my life
@Kushite don’t think I forgot u I got something sweet coming together
Local heating and AC supply house. Oil burning furnaces use them with many different spray patters that are measured in degrees. May be a solution for ya.
Chekc out website cls pics. Should have the upper welded cap with the nozzle on it. Nozzles matter when it comes to fluid density - and spraying into ffe.
Hit up one of the dudes selling a ces spray vap and just ask nicely for thier spray nozzle lol that thing works great at spraying the feed solution against the walls uniformly.