Splatter/Shattered Platter Purpose?

Here’s a picture of my setup. This is a true single solvent dewaxing extractor. There are tons on the market. Every single extractor company offers some form of this whether on a rack or inline like I have it.

You can see I can chill my material. Dump the butane/oil mixture into that middle chamber which is MATCHED to the amount of solvent I run. That middle chamber holds 6.5lbs of solvent at 80%. I leave the butane/oil mixture in that middle chamber for 2 hours or so. There is absolutely no material in there. Just butane/oil! After 2 hours of letting all the waxes coagulate in -65c. I then dump the mixture in my collection for recovery.

This is just my personal extractor. I seen @Cryo13 extractor and his is practically the same but rack mounted. It’s all the same concept. Just different layout.

Mine is a hodgepodge of parts. I can run this extractor 2 ways. One way like the picture. This is a 1lb dewaxing extractor. BUT since my base is 10”. When I want to run a bit faster or the material doesn’t need dewaxing. I just run a 4x24” jacketed spool directly to the collection. And run the appropriate amount of solvent for 2.5lb runs.