Sidco is a sellout

I wouldn’t argue with @SubstituteCreature, the man is a buffoon.

You’re right about the D8 here… along with all the other synthetic and semi-synthetic cannabinoids.

This place has enough information to teach amateurs how to do conversions and nobody is complaining about the sale of BM products you can learn to synthesize here.

Arguably they can be very harmful.

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I’m trying to say that arguing against the ad from the moral angle is a weak argument, when the high horse we’re all collectively sitting on is the hemp industry. The stronger argument is that it’s impractical, makes this forum a worse place, and hurts our reputation as a whole. As far as citations go I don’t think you have to look for a long time to find people discussing putting impure d8 and THCp in vapes here lol


Roguelab, the mod, sells/sold spice sprayed hemp/herbs?


I just have to say, you guys are grade A+ drama for days.


By now a shit load of members have
Unless their thc-p Hhc-p is hemp derived :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And yes I still am in rc games
Ps when hhc hit the market synthetic noids sales declined by 85%
Shows how fast they can be eradicated
If only governments allowed thc


I’m basically the opposite… nowadays I don’t take any drugs and drink maybe once every 3 months


I’m the same. I don’t use any drugs and I’ve only drank 1 time this year and I was outta the country on vacation when I drank.

My body don’t process alcohol well anymore.

Edit. I don’t count weed and mushrooms drugs. And do enjoy killing the whip cream cans


I ll happily resign if you or/ and other members consider that more adequate
Tried dm but your shielded


This is the part where management becomes a huge issue into saying what is acceptable and what is not.

But when the management is advertising you into making meth I’m gonna have to start questioning if their judgment is to be trusted.

Anyone hear about the exit scam? How much money do you think it will take before your data is starting to get sold?


That offer is always on the table. Always enticing.

Edit: Just wanted to add for context cause I just realized some may not be aware. That was a response to the bbgate ad. So whatever was mentioned must have been even worst than the ad.

Meth is awesome.

Bbgate seems like where you wanna go.

“Our experts have thousands of tons of manufactured synthetic drugs under their belt,”

Making Walter White looking like a boy.

From my experiences in life, I’ve come to the personal conclusion that it all matters who you’re around and how your judgements is and also how you were raised.

I think that cigarettes are more a gateway drug or starter drug than Cannabis but I do believe that when you’re a younger person in the early to mid teens like 14-16 years old (edit: I started in 2008, 15 years ago when I was 15 and I really wish I waited until I was in my mid 20’s to try it, no bullshit) and have undeveloped brains as well as influenced by the people you’re around and the situations going on, that there’s a greater chance of trying a different substance and that’s not because “smoking weed makes you wanna do different drugs” but more because you’re influenced by the people around you and your judgement is not fully developed.

I also think some people are just raised with a firm belief that any drug will ruin your being and there’s also the people who never touch drugs but still enjoy coffee, video games, sports and personal health/exercise.

That’s my take on it.

3rd edit: I also sometimes think that Cannabis should be the same age as renting a car which is 25 in my state. Sometimes I seriously regret ever smoking weed and I think about quitting sometimes. I already basically quit dabbing and I haven’t made dabs in a long time but I still have knowledge and appreciation that I love to drop on here and I still want to learn what I can. I quit dabbing cause I was wasting my days being too high. …

Weed is great and all but it’s still a plant and a drug.


you all know im wierd, im an abused kid who went to 11 schools to graduate hs. I was a good kid? I was so scared of getting caught smoking id go on top of buildings and wash my hands to not smell.= same as when i threw eggs at the cars and wash my hand LOL i still remember my first ever theft and i didnt even get caught. I stole an onion from a neighbor to give to my mom. It had a skin on it so i peeled it and ended up peeling it all away to a nub> dumbass thumper origins

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I hear that.


There is no such thing as gateway drugs. This is a mis used term by politicians and idiot counselors.

There are only people who are addicts born that way and will do anything they can to ruin people’s lives around them to feed a chemical addiction. In most cases drugs aren’t even that hard of a addiction to break. It is the people who take them who are weak and stupid. There are plenty of strong and normal people out there who do drugs or have done drugs and never touch them again.

Hard narcotics are a chemical imbalance addiction in your body once you do it. That’s why opiates, coke and meth or similar have severe withdrawals. Some people drink coffee nap and power through it. Some people are feeble weak minded individuals who get hooked instantly.

Some of it is social as well

But there is no such thing as a gateway drug. Smokes, pot, some beer. These things are just like old school wine at the end of the night. Plenty of people use this and don’t have problems. Individuals who abuse drinking and hard drugs specifically have a personality defect. Their behaviors surround abusing others. Involving chaos in their lives.

One of the biggest lies every sold to us is the gateway drug and the twelve step program. Most programs are complete frauds that just want your money and leaving you at the end holding the stick. The reality is if someone isn’t strong or willing or able enough to just get clean and move on with Thier lives, then there isn’t really any program that will help them. It’s a personal choice.


Finding the root of ‘why’ is the hard part. But then again most people don’t have that sort of clarity of mind to even start that process if they’re presented with fenty recipes and never have a clear moment because they can make themselves an endless bag

Very true. There’s about 10-15 people I no longer talk to because I just don’t want to walk backwards anymore. They were fun people who I had a lot of good times with but my family is more important.

Strongly agree


Where there’s a product, there a problem; where there’s a problem there’s a solution. And that is one of the tools of all ancient communist and Marxist principle opperating manual topics. It’s a method used to control people by selling a cure. Twelve step programs are just like scientology.

Drug addiction is inherently not solved or handled correctly. The reason why drugs are so fluent in the social tapestry in our countries is due to evil and the absences of implied real solutions.

There will always be people selling dope. There will always be people who want to use dope. There is a thing about people with addictive personalities that is real, as well as mental illness and chemical addictions. Society doesn’t make it hard to be a fiend. We embrace it and tell people we should be tolerant and accepting of addicts. This is societies worst approach. We allowed ourselves to create a societal aspect where people would rather become addicts willfully knowing what it means - than just have a easy out for appropriate services and opportunities that would otherwise trigger higher levels of individual happiness even with some success offered and achieved.

We as a society generate addicts. We water them and make them bloom. There are also bat shit crazy people out there who will always be homeless and talk to themselves and smoke meth and steal from people. It’s just a soup of horrible shit.


I’m amazed at how many people I have seen during COVID, lockdowns and work at home who have developed addictions. I lost a friend because of the circumstances.

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