Sidco is a sellout

Well doing dope is easy and instant, the other stuff requires effort. Why try? I need my cookie right now I’m not concerned with 2 cookies later. Shit I’ll take half a cookie right now.


I sorta kinda can’t with the whole drug addiction is a disease thing 100%. Maybe it’s old school bias but I don’t think addiction exists as a disease and I still think it’s a little irresponsible to say so.


It’s the only disease that’s fun to try to get.



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Just wanted to add for those who were not aware. That site also has a “bbgate market” that many may not have realized cause it was not visible until you made an account and logged in.

That’s why people on that site was giving away free samples of meth. It was to market the products they were selling on the bbgate market.

As if advertising you into making it wasn’t bad enough. They advertise to a site where you could buy and sell ready to abuse product.


Sweet. Now I know where to get the highly rated fenty


erowid has the carfentanil SOP when your tolerance gets too high


So? Its a fucking drug site plain and simple.

See the difference yet?

Says the illogical buffoon

I wasn’t aware there was a market on that site, definitely not cool. It’s almost the exact situation that had the owners of deepdotweb prosecuted

the consulting and supply part is what got strike from the hive prosecuted

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So who posting the good meth sop.

Asking for a friend.

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I’d ask @SubstituteCreature, he strikes me as an avid user.

What’s not cool? I think it’s cool when I need my fix

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Lets be straight here. bbgate is not caring about your well being or anyone’s well being really.

They just want to profit. And anything they can do to profit from it is acceptable for them.

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I’m a little shocked so many people white knighted them witnout doing a damn bit of research


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One of the major arugemts of why it’s an acceptable idea was that other sites have this information too.

Which I find humorous.

Their argument was that some other sites offers this information, so everything is acceptable here now.

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What good is the goddamn information if they can’t read it all

Now here we are full circle at my “is this information stupid people need?” Argument

I think it’s okay to be “pro legalization/decriminalized all drugs” politically while still understanding it’s a bad idea. Just like if heroin were legal I wouldn’t touch it because it’s a bad idea. It’s not mutually exclusive and I think Sidco didn’t account for the amount of nuance we collectively have.

No, I don’t want someone to go to prison for using meth. I also don’t want it sold in my neighborhood or promoted here.


One of the main arguments about the ad being an acceptable idea was also about freedom of information or whatever.

Well now consider yourselves informed.