Doing between 7-15 contract rosin hash washes daily in a legal state, in the process discarding a lot of washed material. Sometime’s we’ll get a strain in that’s super loud and looks she will dump, only to have an extremely low rosin return. All plants wash differently so I think it’s more genetics vs quality. Has anyone ever tried to take the washed material, dry it out and run it through a solvent extraction?
If so I would love to hear your process and the yield variations.
Youll always yeild less doing rosin compared to bho or etoh.
Rosin yeilds is what got alot of people screwed up when it was blowing up.
Alot of people saw $ bought a press and started squishing their entire grow. Only to get dark low yeilding oil. I remember that too well. It was all indoor. Sucks he didnt recover from that
Are you an organic dirt grower? The reason I ask is a buddy of my is an organic dirty fingers and with him standing their and using my press technique his Stardawg pressed out to just above 5% and my Stardawg grown in hydro using Jacks pressed out to 18%. So your grow style also affects your yield.