RFC: Right to be forgotten, or not

Why? What harm is there in letting people delete sensitive info? If the company and the accidental sharer both would like it removed, what interest is served in not allowing them to do so? This website by and large serves a business community. These kinds of draconian “mess up once and you’re locked into it” things don’t seem to serve any good purpose to me. I don’t get it.


I am more concerned with established posts with history and participants. If you make a truely accidental post, flag it right away, and it doesn’t derail a thread I wouldnt have a problem reviewing the flag.
Where this has gotten messy is when people post something like a SOP and ask for it to be removed after 3 weeks of heavy activity and comments. That information is part of the permanent internet at that point as far as im concerned.


Ur late woe :joy::rofl::innocent:


For instance imagine the black hole of information missing if breakingdabs was scrubbed from every post, only because he didnt appriciate a users comments. This would make all those threads broken and mostly useless.

P.s. this topic is why the EU enacted the “right to be forgotten”. I thank my lucky stars I live in a place that doesnt force me to litterally change history. Right to be forgotten - Wikipedia


What about Future4200.com’s EU user rights?

Lol when EU starts rolling tanks down my block we can revisit that topic.


Google has to… because they have a business in those countries? Is that it?

Correct, EU holds no jurisdiction here.

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:sob: not late just trying to reiterate the point

Oh no…

You think thats bad? How about them pushing an update to your phone that tracks other phones around you. In the name of keeping you safe of course.

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Criminal…Big Brother is indeed watching you. I put tape over my laptop camera a long time ago. I’m going to guess that the VPN business is going to increase.


You mean like the one in S. Korea ? 51.64 million people use? Copying the best. Terrible idea.

I don’t think its any secret US government has the same tracking. If your phone has a radio that connects to a cell tower you are being tracked in all sorts of fun ways.



IMEI ganggg


Exactly. So why not use it to track now? 25,000 more US dead people vs S. Korea. I wonder how they’d vote?

The precedent it sets is not good.


We only use these Orwellian unconstitutional data gathering systems for terrorism tracking, the absolutely un audited and un supervised database is never abused by contractors or the NSA :mask: cough snowden cough:mask: . Thanks Bush


put a mask on that cough pls :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



I’m with @MagisterChemist. Next we’ll have to post the reason we edited the post.

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