RFC/Poll: Hide Classifieds from Front Page

due to an increase of traffic on future4200.com we have seen healthy use of our classifieds sections. This appears to be taking up a substantial portion of the front page. I propose hiding posts relating to sales from the front page like we do with Echo Chamber posts.
The section will still exist, but the user will have to specifically seek them out or stumble across a link. Here is all our current categories

Comments welcome.

  • Keep the front page unchanged
  • Hide all sales from front page.

0 voters


folks will simply post in Cannabiz instead.
which is where many post already.
so some will actually get pissed when moved…


Good Topic Moving practice for 3+4s IMO.


I like moving the post when I see them. @cyclopath let them be bothered. :grin:


oh, I’m not against pissing folks off… :wink:

but I do try to avoid doing it gratuitously


Are the hemp Slangers classifieds already hidden from the front page?

Not currently. Search our admin panel settings for ‘default categories muted’. Just Echo Chamber at the moment. Try an Incognito Window for what a new user would see.


Are the hemp classifieds specifically what’s spamming up the front page?

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I think it’s just the henpsters posting in the wrong category. Simple fix if the regulars just move them.


and Hempire Building ‘sales’ categories

Hempire Building should be posts like this General Hemp Processing Equipment Spreadsheet and other useful hemp related things. Those can stay

I see echo chamber posts on my front page. How do i change that?

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Go to Echo Chamber - Future4200 and find a bell icon in the upper right hand corner.
Click it and select Muted. You can do this for Entire Categories, Sub categories, or specific topics.


It’s marked as muted, but i still see all the threads under latest.

If you mark a category, all new posts wont show. If you participated in a thread you gotta change its bell icon to muted. Please mute a few threads to test it.

After you get out of the specific threads you were previously watching then no new echo chamber threads will show

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I like seeing equipment for sale, but the hemp products need to go.

F4200 should just make a craigslist style and take a %


You can ‘mute’ all the categories but the equipment for sale categories

More rules more censorship

Make the slangers pay $100 to slang and then put their posts in a corner where no one sees it :thinking:

So, if I read all the latest posts each day, am I missing anything if I don’t access specific categories?

Wasn’t there just a post about censorship?

As of now, the Echo Chamber category does not show posts on the front page.
Instead of deleting spam, off topic convos, or arguments between users in threads we move them to this containment board. Users can manage their own subscriptions to posts and categories by changing the bell icon.