Recommended reading/tutorials on fungus cultivation

I was thinking about tincturing it

Tincture is great.

Make sure it’s per Gram = ML. That’s a great starting point for formulation.


I didnt have access to a roto vape back then, i just grab a hand full of shrooms ripped open and mixed it with 151 proof everclear(best we could get as teens in CA) filtered with a coffee filter and let it evaporate in a pyrex dish in a dark cellar, it left crystals on the pyrex, we scrapped it off and tried it with our smoothies, like we usually took mushrooms. it was more like acid than mushrooms but still gushed up ur mind lol


Why not just use the universal solvent? Psilocybin is water soluble and mushroom tea has a faster onset than eating the roughage without any of the gi issues, if you use a lemon juice presoak of the ground mushies before you make the tea the onset is even faster.


Psilocybin isn’t the only thing you are after.

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Other than psilocybin and psilocin what else would you be looking for?

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Because i like things that last a very long time in storage, like dmt, acid, and distillate. Makes me wonder what happens when u supersaturate and try grow “diamonds”, would the big crystal turn a blue hue over time?


Wonder if a/b would work.

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Why is the first one so much better and just pure bliss mind blown fuxk to me. Probably bc over so fast but I’ve seen so much more with this than any

Huh mm I am listening :wink:


heptane just a guess? I have no clue though

Yes the shulgin acid/ base works well
But for now I tried this


Baeocystin and Norbaeocystin


Maybe not the most efficient. But I wouldn’t say all that . . . .can you explain?

Perhaps can be precipitated from ethanol . . . .

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Aren’t you supposed to extract with lemon juice aka acidic water?

Do you guys think the lunar cycle has any effect on the growth? or more likely does the moon have any effects on the high? I usually eat them on a full moon anyways…


From my understanding the lemon juice trick is to lower the ph of your stomach, which in turn quickens the digestive process but idk i read it along time ago and we used to juice grapefruits because they were more acidic and tske shots of that before tsking the shroomies.
Full moons make great forest trips :ok_hand:


Literally everything you would need to know from basic pf Tek to agar culture and bulk grows.


Ethanol pulls your phosphatides and other gums. So not all those “crystals” you crashed are actually psilocybin.

Psilocin is so delicate good luck trying to refine that without proper everything. So it’s best to pull the cleanest extract possible.

It’s very simple. It’s delicate and time consuming.


Lemon Tek is real potent and good way to get past the taste. Google it.

I believe that the only real difference between cubes species is the psilocybin % content but APEs (which are small white ones with a grey tip, look like alien mushies) contain 3-5x more %. At least this is what I have briefly researched in the past.

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aggree , psychonautical evaluations?lol