I have been experimenting with using different blends of N-Butane and Propane for a few years now. I’m running an ETS MEP that is more than capable of handling the pressure of pure Propane, and so recently I have become very fond of using a high propane mix for my extracts. I keep hearing about people experiencing a “roasted” smell from using propane and recently have been told that propane “just doesn’t taste as good.” I have never experienced this smell that people are talking about, and in my opinion the flavor is great; I believe extractors are just not distilling their solvent properly. Is there any explanation to this “smell” that people keep referring to? Propane, being a lighter hydrocarbon, produces a much better color than any mix I’ve used with Butane in it. Although I do know how to make shatter using pure propane, It is extremely difficult to get stability from these extractions. I have attributed this instability to the lack of fats/lipids and high terpene ratio that is extracted when using propane. Am I wrong? Is there some other reason propane tends to be unstable? Is there a genuine explanation to the stigma surrounding propane as a solvent? or is this type of extraction just something that challenges the paradigm that hash oil is made from Butane? NO one has ever been able to give me a straight answer as to why they think Butane makes a better quality concentrate. I’ve been told that “full spectrum extracts” are made only using pure N-Butane; I could see how one would think this especially considering that Butane is in essence is a more full extract because is has a much better solubility, but wouldn’t that just mean that in an attempt to capture more from the starting material would also result in more of the impurities being extracted as well? Obviously using a chilled solvent would help with quality of the extract, but propane is already colder than butane and it maintains a higher pressure allowing for a faster run time and prevents the material from soaking for too long. Any input is greatly appreciated.
I’ve been running an ETS 1300 for the past 5 years. I’ve been mainly using 100% propane. I’ve observed many of the same things as you, the propane seem to extract less fats and lipids, as well as more terpenes, compared to butane. Butane extracts more of the cannabinoids, while propane pulls more terpenes. That is why I think Butane makes shatter better than propane, shatter is basically a sheet of thca crystalline, with a low amount of fats and terpenes.
When someone says there extractor is rated for propane what’s different about it?
Probably the max working pressure is higher if it can handle propane.
Higher max pressure rating. I think our propane system is rated for 250 or 300 PSI and n-butane only was maybe 150 psi.
Same steel just I pump 250-300 psi instead 100-150? To test myself?
And high pressure clamps?
Same steel, but in my system, our sightglasses were upgraded to metaglass for a 450 psi rating. I believe several hoses, fittings, valves were also modified. Also, we had to have a professional engineer sign off that everything was certified.
Definitely do not test yourself at that pressure unless you have a professional confirm your system is safe to those pressures- easy way to severely injure/kill yourself. You could have weak clamps, hoses, fittings, and a multitude of other things that are not rated.
most of the cheaper cls cant handle the pressure of 100% propane. the cheaper cls parts come from china u can buy a ball vale from open source for like $60 or a america made pressure tested one from swagelok for 360.
Do not do that. I would check the max pressure rating with whatever system you are using then go from there. Going above the suggested pressure could result in serious issues. Some one just recently did this and caught a 12 inch clamp to the face at high velocity. Save yourself a hospital trip and contact the company of the system you are using first.
who makes 12" clamps rated for propane pressures?
Im not sure but I do know that Xtractor depot does not.
All of my pure propane extracts have been runny to the point of not being able to flip in any way unless frozen to -2°F and the 70/30 pro/but blends seems to stablize around 32°F. I have yet to make any kind of sugar or shatter or even batter eith a propane dominant blend. When i’ve run propanr in my cls the pressure doesnt go beyond 70psi. I know that if warmed that the pressure can exponentially increase but is a 250-30psi rating really required? I’m not against a better pressure rating in any way, just honestly curious.
No one that I am aware of. This individual was incorrectly informed that his system can handle 100% propane and that’s what caused the injury. The post after yours says it all.
If your running chilled solvent I would say it isn’t necessarily required, but in the event your chiller fails its extremely comforting to have a system capable of handling the consequent pressure spike. Whats the humidity like where you are? Im in socal and id say its pretty easy to get sugar from propane dominant runs. Especially on high humidity days. Sauce is a little bit more tricky if your going for diamonds due to the fast evaporation rate.
as far as I know, they don’t exist.
which was my point.
sorry if that wasn’t clear…
What is considered the safe pressure rating required for running pure propane?
3x the highest operating pressure you will see using propane is the right way to figure out safe pressure. Personally, i wouldnt use anything above a 4" clamp using pure propane.
I just looked up some numbers and the vapour pressure of propane at 40C is approx 200 psi. I figure that if you plan to run cryo cooled columns and solvent then there should be no reason for solvent to get that warm anywhere in the system but best to overshoot for safety. So this multiplied by 3 gives a system rated for 600 psi. Does that sound right?
Anyone on here run propane systems and if so what pressure do you see during runs and what pressure are they rated for?
The system I’m using is rated for 350 psi max pressure. when I run propane it never exceeds 150 psi max