What method were you using for your co2 thc-a stuff? Some people added some low pressure co2 into an ethanol/resin blend and precipitate the thc-a. Is that your low yield methodology?
You nailed it
I’m not allowed to cap my jars or use secondary solvents to recrystallize so this is my best I’ve done with Crc, I must say the clarity you get is insane and very hard to attain! Do you notice that the more petrol, gassy, leather smelling strains rock up easiest? That’s what I’m seeing. Just wanted to ask the Diamond king.
personally yes I notice the kushy type strains rock up really quick. My lemon strains take a lot longer and the crystal size is always smaller.
I am using a proprietary method utilizing a patent pending technology.
Unfortunately I can’t go into too many details but I can assure you I used no secondary solvents to accomplish isolation.
It just wasn’t the right consistency due to water being trapped in the extract. Dehydration worked pretty good, but I couldn’t achieve a dry enough product without exposing it to 105 - 120f for weeks
Looks great @Griffin.Labs When it comes to strains and growing stones it really is all over the place. I’ve done great gas strains and fruit strains. I’ve also had strains that i thought would crush it not do so well. You really can’t tell unless you run it. Only thing with the crc is i think it takes away from the terp profile. I’d personally rather smoke on well grown unfiltered live any day over crc. But to each there own. Nice work on that run though
why can’t you use a secondary solvent to recrystalize?
I was thinking of cycling temperature as a variable to tune the solvent and crash cannabinoids. Guess I’ll have to get some tubes welded up
How long did that batch take to grow?
24 hrs
wtf!? Do you have links to this hot jar tech? I’m three days into an Htfse with not a single crystal visible aside from the THCa I threw in to seed it.
I didnt even have a seed to use.
Holy smokes that’s incredible. Thanks for the link. Do you think it will work for non CRC’d material? I did an open blast into jars and purged off enough solvent to stop being visually active at room temp but enough to pressurize a mason jar to pop the lid. Gas hasn’t really evaporated much from the self regulating leak and I’ve had it untouched for 3 days.
I wonder if I can evaporate more solvent and try this hot jar tech still?
And im assuming you can still try by doing exactly what you said if you wanted
Nice! I can see the speed of growth definitely traps a lot of the terps in the formation. Looks a lot like live resin/sugar crystal. This is what mine look like right now, from what you’ve described I have too much solvent and need to evap more to do the hot jar tech
Yeah @j12 grew some nice stones using the hot jar tek. This was my first time trying.
I scraped the oil out of the collection pot into the jars so ya you have too much solvent lol
I’m going to try this with the little jar and post the results. Hopefully my first go is successful