What in the hot & crispy Kentucky fried fuck is going on here? 100g rock??
Looks amazing dude!
that looks
That’s my favorite consistency and crystal size to dab
Nice warm or cold extracted ?
I asume cold cryo but have seen similar results warm
This was done cold.
Curious what the point in CRC is if you’re just going to mill the thca to powder? Do you find running CRC is more efficient than just rinsing any isolated thca with a non polar solvent and milling it?
This batch was formed quick, so there weren’t too many large pieces, and this batch stuck to the glass worse than any I’ve done. Decided to grind some of the batch with a mortar and pestle, more out of curiosity. I think the powder looks pretty nice, but handling the formed facets is a lot easier.
Makes sense, I was just curious if CRC during extraction could be more efficient for thca powder. Nice run either way
there are all nice
Thanks brah🤙
What Crc method did you run with? Nice work
This is a packaging question. How to do prevent the liquid form getting into the threads of your final packaged container? Even if we keep the containers upright, when it gets to the customers hands it’s our of our control. Do you ever get complaints from customers/patients? In CT the patients do a lot of complaining if the liquid ends up in the lid of the jar? Thoughts?
After expiramenting with many different types of packaging I am more or less convinced there is not really packaging for sauce right now that totally prevents this. People complain about that for sure, we try to make sure PCAs know not to invert the jars but as you said the QC is out of our control once it leaves the shop. The best I’ve been able to do is make sure PCAs inform them and I have recommended some kind of label that informs consumers not to invert the container. You can try using lids that have a plastic gasket on the inside, but even those aren’t 100%. If you at least use clear containers, which you can’t in all states, then at least the consumer might see what they’re doing to the product tossing it around.
Good luck
that looks fake holy shit bro