Post Ethanol Extraction Filtration

We’re running between -50 to -40C. I think the most likely culprit is residual unfiltered material sitting in the bottom of the receiving tank. It’s a really light green so it’s not a major concern. We don’t do any other winterizing/washing/color remediation, and our distillate comes out pretty and 85%+ CBD. It could just be a little bit prettier :wink:


Thanks! I did.

It might also be plant material in your filter socks if those are not being completely cleared of solvent each time (hence my suggestion that folks using a pump add a way of clearing them of solvent).

the solvent trapped there warms up, and extracts (a little) yuck from the biomass in the filter sock, which is then added to the next round. doesn’t really happen once you’re below 20um


I see your point but even if you just use 1% carbon I bet buying in bulk will still win out over cartridges in cost and ease over time. Plus you can use a carbon brand of your choice instead of just whatever the cartridge makers decided to use. If you did use a cartridge I would put a submicron cartridge after it in case any little bit of carbon dust detaches.

I used 10 → 0.2 micron. If I was doing 3-stage, maybe go for 10 → 1 → 0.2? I feel like once you get to 1 micron there won’t be much hitting the cartridge except maybe some carbon. Which is good since it’s the most expensive part.


which may well be the most important part of this tidbit.

different carbon does different things. once upon a time, using aquarium grade carbon convinced me that AC was a horrible idea.

I know better now…


I’m totally on the same page, and was planning sort of a combination of what you said. I’m considering one of these in a 3rd bag housing (maybe half-size, #1)
I would then have 25um → 1um → carbon → .2um or .5um cartridge


I’ve been looking for those forever a fillable cart or bag filter gosh dang time to change shit around again haha

What’s the best glassware thats heat resistant ? Glass Beaker 100,150,250,300,400,500ml Measuring Lab Glassware. Amazon suggests these and they are nice but I’ve heard mixed reviews. Anything that will not shatter with temps achieved throughout the dist process . Decarb etc

a filter press from watermark, no?

Anything that is borosilicate will work!



Boro 3.3 and a healthy sense of respect


Got any AC recommendations for type or source?

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sorry, no data on sources.
Other than the recommendations I see here for using @Shadownaught’s hardwood AC.

While I know AC is a very useful tool, I still try to avoid as many steps as I can, and all my work to date has just been done cold enough to skip that step.

I would posit that laziness is actually the mother of invention (or maybe its the father?!?)


Haha for sure. I’m doing my best to play by Delta’s warranty rules and not run lower than -40C. I’m kinda starting to wish I had one of them fancy new Ace Spinners!


Proof33 maybe?

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Is the buchner slow or the bag?

How big are the bags?
Are they 7x15 bags or bigger?

#2 bags. 7x32

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HI I have some great Pall Products that take care of this.Before and after SUPRApak & AKS(rev.2).pdf (190.4 KB)

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