Polydimethylsiloxanes in parchment, implications for rosin and shatter

The non-stick properties of parchment papers are achieved by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) coatings

It has been demonstrated in this work that the transfer of PDMS oligomers is not just a phenomenon unique to silicone rubber baking molds but appears to represent a general characteristic of this compound class. Leaching of silicone from coated parchment paper becomes more notable when baking is performed at higher temperature and for longer duration. Also, the fat content of the baked food and the intensity of the contact between the food and parchment paper play a role. While PDMS oligomers are extracted from the parchment paper causing its depletion in silicone, the baked goods are concomitantly enriched. Provided that omission of parchment paper is not an option, from the consumer point of view, multiple uses of the parchment paper as suggested by some manufacturers appear in fact the best approach to reduce the overall uptake of PDMS from this source.


Corneal opacities and other effects on cornea observed in rats studies have been considered as caused by direct contact with the test substance in the feed, or with the test substance in the faeces and not due to systemic exposure.

Degradation product exposure studies:

In repeated studies in rats with subacute, subchronic and chronic inhalation exposure, mild effects on the respiratory tract typically seen after inhalation of irritating materials, increases in liver weight (28- and 90-day inhalation studies), and a small increase in the incidence of uterine adenocarcinoma (uterine tumor) in female rats (two-year inhalation chronic bioassay) were observed. The liver effects induced by D5 were consistent with D5 as a weak “phenobarbital-like” inducer of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes and these effects are considered to be an adaptive response. Mechanistic studies to elucidate the mode-of-action for uterine tumor induction suggest an interaction of D5 with dopamine signal transduction pathways altering the pituitary control of the estrus cycle. The resulting estrogen imbalance may cause the small increase in uterine tumor incidence at the highest D5-exposure concentration over that seen in control rats. source

Treatment-related results from a chronic inhalation study conducted in rats are limited to mild effects on the respiratory tract, increases in liver weight, increases in the incidence of uterine endometrial epithelial hyperplasia, and a dose-related trend in the incidence of endometrial adenomas. The observed increases in liver weight appear to be related to the induction of hepatic metabolizing enzymes, similar to those that are induced in the presence of phenobarbital. D4 is not mutagenic or genotoxic in standard in vitro and in vivo tests; therefore, the benign uterine tumors observed likely occur by a non-genotoxic mechanism. source

this stuff is listed as a food additive under E900, but it doesn’t have any kinda safety rating for inhaled amounts that I can find. As a consumer, I’m not really keen on the idea of inhaling silicone polymers but I’m curious if anyone more knowledgeable has any thought as to potential risks here. The thermal degradation products appear to be decidedly worse.

Has anyone ever tested for contamination from silicone leaching due to parchment? Same stuff is in a lot of vacuum greases as well. I’m curious how concentrations would differ for shatter being poured straight onto it while still wet with solvent, versus rosin being pressed through with heat and pressure. I talked to someone at a lab in WA and they believe they could test for it, but it’s not something I’ve really been able to make a business case for, or shell out for myself, but I think it’s worth exploring


Confirmed PTFE sheets are king?? (I kid I kid)


It would be interesting to evaluate the results from a shatter/rosin comparison. Rosin contains solvents too and the shatter will stay cooler and without pressure.

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Wow I never knew that it was silicone

I can’t believe its not butter!


Fantastic job identifying a major material incompatibility and contamination point.
Hopefully we can get the word out and make safer products for consumers!

I believe silicone is a major concern for our industry. Between vape cart seals, processing surfaces(as described above in your post), tubing, coatings, etc. Hopefully the great people over in ASTM D37 can help issue standards that prevent this type of product contamination. I strongly recommend joining and bringing this to their attention.


wait you mean something that doesnt have FDA conformity certs for being non leaching; leaches into the product?


I noticed silicone type caulking usually has wording on the tube “not for fish tanks”. So somebody knew.


it seems like an improvement, mechanical abrasion is still an issue with pressing rosin though. I think all stainless would be better



Decent alternative? Or do all non-stick parchment papers make use of silicone

Looks like this parchment definitely has silicone. From the listing:

  • SILICONE COATED: What makes our parchment paper unique is that it is coated with silicone, unlike most parchment papers that are coated with Quilon, which contains heavy metal that can leave toxic trace elements in your food and baked goods.Heat-resistant
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Well shit

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I think anything that is coated is sus; especially when you bring solvents into the equation. Becomes an interesting technical challenge though because you need the paper coated in order to premote release of whatever your putting on there.

The only thing i would personally trust to be completely non-leaching, while still being somewhat easy to work with are ptfe sheets. Its hard to “boat” them, but its possible. Kinda expensive, but you make yourself a few sets, and just clean and replace as ya go.

This stuff is .020 you can get it even thinner.only thing id ever trust to be 100% non leaching. Its not very practical though.


I’ve used that in the past. Pre folding the corners with a good, firm crease, then using small binder clips worked pretty well to make a boat. I did notice that there seems to be a grain to it, where it will scrape easily going on one axis, but not so much at a ninety degree angle, probably due to how it is extruded or rolled into a sheet.


Just remember, every bit of trash you throw away will be around FOREVER. Maybe some sort of biodegradable solution is needed?


The best part is you can open blast right on them…


Absolutely; i agree 100%

I used to purchase from https://fluorolab.com/ and get teflon beaker liners. They were FANTASTIC to pour into from the CLS. They Also were FANTASTIC for open blasting into… not that I’d ever partake in such an activity. They lasted 20-30 cycles before being too worn and “crumply”. Welch Fluorocarbon also has really nice FEP, PFA, and PTFE teflon sheets, which would work awesome for rosin press. I just can’t recommend them due to the trash factor. Fluorinated plastics are literally some of the worst trash on earth.


Easy to clean though