New extraction technology from American Extractors

Has anyone heard of American Extractions? Supposedly they have a new method of Extraction. The video link above is all i know so far. There are some things in the video that caught me off guard but its interesting. I am flying out in the morning to meet them at their facility. I would greatly appreciate the communities feedback. Thanks!

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Sounds like George is a bad ass.

When they don’t focus on the equipment and it’s just a bunch of pseudo pseudoscience from a guy I know it’s gonna suck.

It’s either so simple I can just build something myself or it’s smoke and mirrors that won’t easily replicate


Opening up ALL the cells, when the target is in the extracellular space, has never struck me as the right response.


Mans really said

“ the sharper and the pointier a Crystal is the more pure it is”

I’m betting dude has less formal science education than my dumb ass


And how will that sloppily targeted crude be 100 percent pure?

My bs detector is screaming

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Getting 99+% of the cannabinoids out isn’t all that hard.

Doing that while producing a product that isn’t a complete nightmare to clean up or work with downstream is the trick.

He’s talking about skipping chemistry but he’s also talking about shearing electrons and charge changes. I’m not a chemist so I’ll leave it to someone like @Photon_noir to shred his “we don’t do chemistry here” claims into tiny pieces.

Relevant XKCD:

His comments about ionizing the cannabinoids and other polarity stuff @ 16:10 are interesting. I’m not smart enough to know what that implies or if it’s a red herring.

Their website talks about their technology as:

Cellular Deconstruction Technology (CDT).

CDT channels energy to open plant cell walls and extract all valuable molecules whole, complete, and undamaged. The type(s) of energy and the mechanism by which they are delivered is held as a trade secret.

They also claim:

  • Delivers 99%+ of valuable molecules (vs industry standard of 50-70%)
  • No solvents or chemicals used for extraction
  • No damaging extreme temperatures or pressures.
  • All organic, natural processes
  • Cleaner, more sustainable extraction that leaves nothing of value behind.

I could make the same claims about our process.

I note that they show pneumatic mixers on their reactors, which is slightly questionable if they are using “no solvents.” Air is an absolutely garbage power source that no one uses unless they absolutely have to - almost exclusively because they are in an environment that wants to go kaboom.

He’s not wrong about trade secrets vs patents, though trade secrets can also be helpful for hiding what you’re doing if you are violating patents.

EDIT: Or if you’re doing something that was already patented in 1988 and is now public domain.

I also agree with @cyclopath here:

Destroying cell walls is something we have put quite a bit of time into doing as little as possible.

All smoke and mirrors? Maybe. I think I have a not bad idea as to what they may be doing. It’s also possible I’m wrong.


I’m thinking dude just heats it up and collects it cold like a bigass volcano with a cold trap

Didn’t the Jaqueline the shatter person do something similar?

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I suspect they’re screaming at it…


He claims it never goes above 70°f, so probably not? Though yeah a couple of outfits have done that now. It’s a clever trick if you want to be “solventless”

Screaming and then applying a little “not a solvent” is also my guess.

Their downstream workup could possibly be interesting.

This video was mostly interesting from the things he didn’t say than the ones he did.


Pretty sure screaming at cells to get at their contents would qualify as violating someone’s patent…

Pressure swing rather than temperature swing might also get the job done (almost identical to screaming at them if you dig hard enough).


This comment just made me laugh out loud :rofl:

GW Pharm held that patent, but applied 22 years ago, so it has expired.

Maybe they are keeping things below 70f with utilizing reduced/vac pressures? Though the pneumatic mixer certainly would seem odd!?

He was used the term “thermo-cycling” a few times at the start of the vid.

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Love him, and squeeze him, and call him George.

My vote is pressure swing…although I’m not the first to imagine that



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is this example kinda like steam distillation, but using the steam to build pressure? Reading into controlled drops looks like it would still use some solvent, just more efficiently? (Article makes me wanna figure out how to do a controlled drop on some tangie tho)

he mentions their crude is not thick in the video, and then in the excerpt from their site @Lincoln20XX posted mentions no extreme pressure/temp.

I also wonder the yield 80kg/hr batch/ratio size. what’s the actual yield of finished product per day in distillate, or whatever their finished product is, still interesting stuff.

also interested in how they would winterize with this tech or if it’s not necessary? (not using solvent) also talking about pulling out the omegas from the seeds?

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Yeah, no clue. don’t have time for this particular rabbit hole right now. I suspect their cleanup is anything but “solvent free” and they’re playing the same games the “CO2 is solventless, but we winterize with Ethanol” crowd used to.

@Bisley probably won’t get to know how “George” works (wouldn’t be a secret), it’s possible most of what they learn is about the clean up steps. Would be great if they could report back after visiting.


Imagine going to a facility to learn about some equipment and you just get the same guy taking mumbo jumbo but in person and they don’t show you the equipment running lol

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