CBD Crude Oil Production

That helps define the problem.

Competing from Africa is certainly a different game than competing with Africa…

Ethanol might still be viable in that scenario, and you might even get away without membrane based solvent recovery while you get off the ground.

There are a couple of hints on alternative solvents over in New extraction technology from American Extractors imo the tech from American Extractors itself is nonsense.

@dan1 is also looking to compete from Africa, and you might find some of the advice he was given useful: How is Keif made from flower (or maybe you need to find where kief first was suggested to him…don’t recall).

As are @Agri-Cap Biggest viable extraction units on the market

And @LeonLab Loonikg for partners in South Africa for Glasshouse and Indoor CBD production

Not sure if those are from the same or different groups