New 0 Distillate Oil, Does The Color Matter

@NNI i have one question just one question. I don’t really care if the quality is good, or if the idea is revolutionary or not. My question is:

Why would i vape something made with a secret process where i don’t know the ingredients?

I don’t think “just trust me” is a good reason anymore.


That is a good question and I would never ask anyone to try an oil without knowing the ingredients and having it safety tested. My question is that “if” all is safe in the oil and “if” it delivered a great experience is there 0 market only because of the color. I am in no way putting down the professionals work on this site. I have been researching for months and cannot find facts as to the color being more then marketing so I was trying a different avenue to try to get some additional information.

There might be a market for it, but due to the qualitative proof that a lighter color means a more refined and pure product, it would be deemed a lesser product. Marketing aside, it’s a huge difference to the consumer looking at a beautiful light golden distillate vs. what you posted earlier in the thread.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”


I have tried to change the title to “New 0 Distillate Oil, Does The Color Matter”. I will ask if it can be changed as I am not trying to be deceptive.

That is the response I was looking for Cannada. It seems that it would be all ground floor marketing. Getting samples out there to build a following if there is a following to be found. It still seems as if it is consumer perception. I am going to create a new topic under the business category for some more feedback. I will pay close attention to the title and my wording. Thanks…

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my isopropyl rso tests at 54% … my bho tests around 80%

you can keep yours …

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Why did you make oil instead of leaving it as flower?

I think the short answer is that people are after all different forms of efficacy. For general wellness I’m sure a full spectrum oil is best. For something I want to dab 2-4 grams a day of…hell nah. I’ll take BHO live resin any day of the week. Some folks chase a high, some love the flavor, some love the ritual. I’d say people are constantly tinkering to improve their friends and families experiences as well as their own concerning cannabis.


Very well stated Wolfe and I could not agree more. The majority of it is personal preference.

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Consumer perception oh brother…

U ever hit a dab before? You think padma is a judge on top chef bc she’s cute or do you think she has a refined palette and can tell people that their dish is lacking certain chemical aspects like acidity, salt, oil, etc… or even that it has too much of those things?

You should consider becoming a dab conniseur before you start making dabs.


Would you dab a "30% cannabinoid, full spectrum oil? "

  • Dab me up boiii
  • Nah fam

0 voters


I voted “NO” since I am an oil connoisseur and dabs are not my thing. My oil definitely would not be for the dab market.

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Would you be happy smoking a 30% flower?


OK so you strictly want to market as an edible or topical oil?

definitely an edible or topical but as I search there is a massive amount of oils on the market in the 15-25% THC content. The majority of them are made up of isolates. That is where my question comes from. Why go through all of that work when you can start with those numbers. Color is the only answer I can come up with.

This would definitely not be for those who enjoy dabbing…


Look guy, my “papers” are free info in a far from free industry. If you come around looking for help and advice and then insult the people trying to help you, you won’t be here in a year. Think of us like potential clients or business partners, would you still come at us all defensive and disrespectful? If you want to eat your own ass and call it the next new diet trend, knock yourself out. But I hope you choke

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These people usually use distillate and isolate to make it easier for them to do math. It’s much better to use your full spectrum oil for topical and edibles. :call_me_hand:


Thread is TL;DR

30% Cannabinoid material that hasn’t been “broken apart”? Yeah it’s called flower, you can make it with water, sunlight, CO2 and nutrients. It’s cool as hell and yes I would smoke that.


wow…at post 155 we are starting to get to the root of the problem.

there are folks making edibles with kief. that is FULL spectrum imo.

what you’ve got might could work. how does it taste?
Not when vaped, but when you eat it straight?

one of the reasons for using distillate or isolate (pretty much a CBD thing only) is that one can achieve higher doses without affecting the taste of the end product. if your raw oil tastes like chlorophyll then adding 3X as much is going to be really problematic.

if it merely rubs the lotion on its skin, then the color AND taste are irrelevant to the end product, and you should be able to sell it all day long at the right price.

Edit: achieving that price point if you’re leaving 20% behind might take some thought.


I will personally try it later tonight and specifically concentrate on its taste. It has not been noticeable in the baked goods, but many edibles are small for shelf space/packaging purposes and the Chlorophyl flavor would definitely be an issue.

The gentleman that brought up that the flower is already out there. I agree, and some like rolling joints and smoking flower. The experience of my oil is exactly the same but you do not get the smokers cough or headaches that directly comes from the smoking of the flower. It is also much more discreet and much less smell.

Its a more discreet way to get the same effect of the flower. Then you have the topical and edible application as long as the oil can be dispensed the a manufacturers machinery.

Even leaving the 20% behind my overall cost on a small scale batch is aprox .43 per gram.

LOL VG. vegetable glycerin.