New 0 Distillate Oil, Does The Color Matter

Looks like something they passed out at that cannabis college that usee to be in MA. The Northeastern Institute of Cannabis… They also shut down and robbed me of 2,000$ before I could get certified… Literally packets of anecdotal knowledge found online. I gotta dump all the pdfs they gave me at some point

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So you do want to sell as a smokeable / vapeable / dabbable lol :joy:

You are getting headaches because you’re smoking Reggie bush


i’ve never gotten a headache from cannabis and i used to smoke mexi brick like crazy back in the 00’s. Couldn’t beat the price in tx. i miss 40/oz


Bruh! Bought my first elbow for 250 when I was 15. I definitely miss the days as well!

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Can you refer us to someone that has tried or carries this oil or perhaps one of your operators or engineers that can speak on your behalf regarding your oil or methods?

Also if you didn’t want to discuss your methods why did you bring them up? Why not just start a poll if you wanted a direct answer regarding the marketability of said product? Maybe try that still…


This thread is cool because it lets you get a glimpse into the 80’s


I love this forum. I share and use what I have learned and tested here regularly.

I feel like things gotten a lil harsh lately.

Dude is just trying to do something new and fresh. I have a good feeling that it isn’t that new and fresh and that there are better methods to come up with better product, but you never know when someone might be on their first step to a new process that can develop into something great. If he has an actual patent on the process as he claims then it must be producing results that aren’t based on nonsense.

Let’s just remember that the only way to freely share information in a way that continuously keeps us involved in the latest edge of production through this open source forum is to NOT scare people away. I literally had a very well educated and nice person DM me the other day with questions that were totally legit instead of commenting on my post because they had seen the way that people get jumped on this forum.

Cannabis is supposed to be the compassion plant. Lets represent.



This is a time travel themed discourse SIR.


We talk science and experience here. Why not you’re unrefined product? Because you yourself said it has lipids and waxes in it. You danced around the chemical/solvent question which lead to even less trust. Lastly no one on this site is going to want to ingest something that they don’t know where or how it was made. Go look at the Affinity thread, they showed up with earth shattering tech that was nothing but hype. If you are serious about looking for help, interest, whatever; you need a lab report of what’s in it just like everyone else in the industry. You may have a great idea/patent, but what you have brought to the forum so far, is smoke and mirrors. Love to have a real conversation, but it takes two and you haven’t really said anything…

I’ll lead with a question, how is your product better than vaping flower?


Specifically to address your new title, yes color matters as it comes from molecules people do not want to burn or vaporize. Potency also matters as I can dab >90% and stay blitzed for more than half a day. 40-50% does not last near as long. I’m trying to give factual feedback, can you give factual statements about your process or product?



maybe read some of @beakers words.
he always advised us to Be Kind.


do you know if the Peony PDT-50 retrofitted with

can be over-spun enough to replicate @doc’s ground breaking work?



Theres a market for any new product in this industry but nobody will ever know that they want it if its never brought to the market.

Remember, organic chemistry is somewhat cut and dry. You can alter parameters and variables but the intention is generally the same. Refinement and/or discovery of compounds.

Product innovation takes what organic chemistry achieves to the consumer and provides new options for how its used.

Take what you are developing and find new applications for it.
Or invest heavily in marketing and force feed the consumer.


70% thc is golden % for me

Very well said jval13

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I am offering free samples for feedback if anyone is interested. People that will personally try and give honest feedback of the experience. Contact me at or 805-358-5218. Thanks!

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Again, without knowing the ingredients, anyone here would be insane to eat it. You admitted it yourself.


They will receive the COA and the indigence and can choose to try. I choose to do it that way for the curiosity to get it in peoples hands. Its the way I have chosen to market for feedback. Thanks