Networking for indoor THC flower

I simply started the discussion off from a standpoint of economic theory and not once did I throw an insult your way, so how mature of you to go down that path

I’d love for you to prove me wrong or argue otherwise instead of resorting to that

Lol I started in this industry two years ago with only $1000 and travelled the journey mostly myself

Maybe you think what I say is stupid or pointless because you live in a non-rec state where you can survive with the “honorable craft mentality” so you see it as meaningless because you get prices that you can survive comfortably on.

But if your state ever becomes rec then you will see what I mean as the people who wise up and scale start to drive prices down so low to where you’re better off working a 9-5. It’s what happened to me. Look at the prices of stuff in cali (besides indoor exotics since that’s now the exception rather than the rule due to the pandemic) and it will tell you everything

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As the mighty Rodney King once said can’t we all get along. And also that’s not my crack cocaine…

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I’m in a rec state and I dont do this for money. Because there is honor in what I am doing, financial compensation is not required. I turn tricks to generate my income.


Holy fuck I thought 3 was bad.

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I’ll take a shot in the mouth to get a few 100 miles down the road, GC

Why don’t you continue to talk out your ass


Talking about how much money someone doesn’t make is insulting. Especially when you have no clue what he makes a year.


This 100%

I was doing good myself… Already self-made millionaire on my own…

Then I brought my ‘friends’ and ‘partners’ in…

Saw my income was barely keeping up with the bills… now I have kid…

shit was just not working… fucking California with it’s expensive ass…

So I moved down South … on my own… left my partners…

Now I make the money I once was… on my own… no partners…


Fuck partners. Hire employees


EXACTLY WHAT I DID!! You said it right… no more partners


Huhhh ? Really . 4+ on a single ins. Old head buying it ?


Lol quality sells itself. If pushing out commercial packs east coast bound, perhaps. But I’m not sure that is the mark passionate growers aim for

Different mentality at play here. As a grower you strive for the best. As a middle man with nothing more than money in the game, a point is a point to him. Quality means little. He listens for 2 catchphrases, ‘indoor’ and price.

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Yessir usually get 32 but I’m running exotics now. And nah just some hustlers who care about the hype strains, I know farmers getting 48 on everything shit is wild

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I need to move to your locale at those prices.

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Nah just quality most of the work for teens and 2s i see is lower quality And smaller nug size than my trim

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Although i do see wisdom in surrounding yourself with successful people in the industry I certainly would not be eager to jump in bed with partners or backers, the go it alone route teaches you how to properly managed all aspects of business from farm to table and all the logistics in between. Maybe you’re not saying partners or investors are the path to success but it sounds like you are. If not then ya I agree, surrounding yourself with successful people is never a bad thing. Learn from them and use what successful tools you can absorb from them.


Prices are still at 2k in my circle here in southern Maine for indoor. There are certainly those selling at a bottom price of 24-25 now but it’s usually a middleman getting them for 2k and flipping them for 2.5k