Need gummy recipe (recipe inside)

lol, don’t use the hard candies for gummies

you can try this if you want hard candy though

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Regardless, it was delicious. I’m a bit confused by this statement:

I’m sure this means something more than I’m understanding it to be.

i combined the light corn syrup with the jolly rancher candies, enough to cover in a microwave safe bowl, and microwaved it minute at a time, stirring, until well combined.

That was then combined with the granulated sugar (mistake) and citric acid; this was mixture was then combined with the proofed gelatin (1 packet could not have been enough).

Seems as though it was not far from being potentially successful?

My notes for next time: use simple syrup instead of granulated sugar, more gelatin; determine if water in syrup is sufficient

chewing gum masterpiece :joy::rofl::sob:

you can’t revert it from hard crack like that


Sorry to ask a stupid question but uh, why?

What mechanism precisely is the hard crack sugar inhibiting?


Imagine trying to uncaramelize onions.


I’m suspending the sugars in gelatin, no?

:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Dude might of found the the next big thing…“Chewies”


He stumbled upon the Starburst recipe.


I feel like I’m missing something here.

Gelatin is doing the structural work no? I don’t understand where the structure of the sugar comes into play when its been warmed up and mixed into solution.

Please enlighten me :pray:

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There’s a reason I recommend cooking sugar to 117c

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Oh yea…I forgot…iv seen that box jello as well…Starburst…
@tokesandtinkery are you picking up what we are throwing down? Different textures for different temperatures

Let me try this another way.

Why does this matter in a gelatin mixture? Are we suggesting the temperature of the source sugar product, prior to being liquified, will impact its texture in the gelatin mixture?

I’m not sure what this is either.

candy isn’t just sugar, it’s hardened syrup

and it’s throwing off the proportions needed to properly make gummies


Try mixing a blow pop into some gelatin.

What you’re referencing was a joke.


I understand that. Syrup + water + gelatin = not a gummy?

Is that not essentially the basics of any gelatin recipe? Water, sugar, gelatin?

Certainly is. Anyone can look at the back of the package and read the ingredients, you gotta know ratios, temps and order to make it all happen though.

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you could maybe try something like this, but you’re gonna have to do the math to preserve the ratios


I guess I found my GLG hookup!..LOL


I Hope you choke on the next cock you violently cram into your mouth You know, for science…
Edit: sorry guys won’t happen again


What would be wrong with enjoying that?

Given the tone of the comment, am I to infer a negative connotation to a presumed same sexual attraction and or activity?