Need gummy recipe (recipe inside)

without my second pump and second cold trap…my whole spd including mantle, pump, digivac, heater/chiller and all the vacuum parts was under 2000. While some might not think that is cheap… For the usual price tags on extraction equipment…for a turn key set up under 2000… I dont know! I own about $20K worth of extraction equipment and i dont even sell concentrates…only to make for my headstash

That 20K is probably over 10 years so it didnt hurt sooo much but there is never an amount of money that can replace the amount of fire concentrates ive made from that equipment over the years…

This has always been a journey to make the best concentrates in the world…its the price to play the game…


Yeah, I know exactly how much a set up costs. The thing is I don’t have $2000 to spend on an SPD just for fun, my friend. Wish I did. But I don’t. $2000 isn’t cheap to a lot of people.

I finally bought a 3x36 SS column for home not too long ago… Just the column lol nothing else. Still need a base to blast into and some filter plates in the future, and heck maybe a solvent tank and recovery pump eventually… but I’m on my way. Slowly but surely I guess!

Like you said, gotta pay to play. :cowboy_hat_face:

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It’s all about perspective. We all on this forum are very fortunate when you consider that the majority of the world survives on roughly $2.50 a day. When people that live in this GREAT country shit on it, bitch and moan about how bad their life is it’s because they are ignorant or have never left their neighborhood.

  1. Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.[1]

Definitely a lot of reading to do Cannaholiker!

I have a heat press, is that similar to the flat iron you mention? The product that is left on the parchment paper is the rosin, then add that to the gummy mixture I presume? A lot of the YT methods use a canna butter from decarb flower instead of the rosin.

I’m looking into how much flower is needed to make X amount of gummies and then how much mg each gummy contains once they are made.

that was to get cannabinoids into cyclodextrin.

which is a trick I’ve read up on but not tried…so I could be mistaken. It’s been long enough that I’d have to go digging for the original source.

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make non-medicated gummies. determine how many recipe makes. decide how many mg you want in each gummy. work backwards to how many mg total and hence how many grams of flower at whatever potency you can acquire. if potency is unknown, guess. calling it 20% will get you close. unless you’ve been sold bunk


MCT+ Maltodextrin gives an easy dosing powder that you can stir into whatever. but it doesn’t keep the cannabinoids from separating out in a water based delivery method, but I don’t mind seeing the cannabinoids on my coffee.
Cyclodextrins will give you even dispersion in a soda. but you’re gonna want to use ethanol to get your cannabinoids in there imo. (never tried).

(editied the quote to one earlier on the same thread )

this is where i was confused because in addition to eoth into the Cyclodextrin you mentioned mct for use with Maltodextrin

I’ve seen maltodextrin blended with warm extract. I’m still of the opinion that cutting it to reduce viscosity first is worth the effort. It’s not strictly speaking necessary. I suspect it helps with bioavailability too.


I’ve had luck freezing the distillate first, then blending it with maltodextrin in a Robo Coupe with a few pieces of dry ice.


So after reading through this thread start to finish at least 4 or 5x I can definitely say I am more confident in the gummy process, however it’d be KILLER if one of you more experienced guys wouldn’t mind typing a SOP that was all in one place. I’d happily pay for it. Don’t want to come off as someone to lazy to read through the thread…it’s just a lot of information, spread out with a lot of dialogue as well.


You don’t know what you don’t know.

Good luck ever explaining anything to someone who has never left the hood.


I second this

This is 100% from @Killa12345 I’ve just made it several times now. And works great each time.

Soft gummy recipe


  • 75g gelatin
  • 130g H2O
  • 245g corn syrup (light)
  • 22.5g erythitol/munk fruit sweetener
  • 225g white sugar
  • 15g tartaric acid
  • 3 ml flavour (varies per flavour)
  • Colouring
  • Sugar/citric acid/corn starch mix for outside candy (225g/11.5g/5g - base mix, adjust accordingly)
  • Distillate

Step 1

Bloom gelatin

  • add H20 and gelatin mix, let sit 30 min at room temp, add to sous vide safe bag, add to sous vide at 146F for 30 more min
  • Insure compete mix

Step 2

Sugar base (less then 5 min to get to temp, slow and steady)

  • add white sugar, corn syrup and erythitol to pot, cook to 149F, do not go over.
  • Slowly add in distillate (thc or CBD), full mix
  • Slowly add gelatin in
  • Reduce temp to 122F

Step 3

  • add flavour, tartaric acid and color

Step 4

Cast candies

  • apply corn starch to molds (lightly)
  • Pour candy mix

Step 5

Let cool in Molds

Step 6

Remove from molds, toss in coating mix, Air dry for 24 hours

Step 7

Toss in more coating if needed, air dry for 3 more days


Ive used as little as 100g water, texture changes slightly. A ‘harder’ bite… lots of customizing once u have a good recipe. Thanks again @Killa12345 for the sweet how too.


I suggest you add Potassium Sorbate to your ingredients list, and add to the mix in step 2. The weight of your mix looks like it would take 1-2cc of the LorAnn mold inhibitor. This will definitely increase your shelf life, im at 8 months now and still counting. I cant wait to try the kitchen ad panning thing, that will defiantly increase the shelf life.
Also do away with the pipettes, find a ketchup dispenser (cylinder restaurant type). Make sure it has BIG THREADS, plastic gets soft and makes one heck of a mess.
I use the microwave for all my heating without any problems, but i dont use granular sugar other than what comes in the Jolly Rancher jello packs. Also MCT oil was mentioned as a carrier for the distillate by a few people in this thread, I had to scratch my head on that one. Its been my experience MCT oil literally squeezes out of the gummy. Propylene Glycol works for me, this is probable just my tech.


90% from killa :wink:


I have some mold inhibitor ordered up. Just haven’t received it yet. And gummies here don’t last a week. Lol. But, great suggestion on that and the potassium sorbate.

Shelf life will be key soon.

And my panner is 90% done.


The LorAnn’s mold inhibitor is Potassium Sorbate diluted in water. Its supper cheap premade from LorAnn or its even cheaper if you mix it yourself.

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You are the man!! Thank you to everyone who’s contributed. I am going to be attempting some this weekend.

MCT squeezed out of your gummies? After setting? Or did it separate prior to setting?