Need a Consultant to Help make THCa Crystals from Ethanol Crude

Hey fam, I’ve been reading up on THCa Crystallizations and want to see if there are any fellas or consultants who are actively producing diamonds from ethanol crude.

If you are, hit me up! I’m really interested in getting some help in how to turn out ethanol crude into THCa Crystals.

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Where are u getting the crude? Is it decarbed?


We can do this a few ways. Shoot me a dm


Not decarbed. We’re extracting it ourselves from machine trim.

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That’s a great start. Good luck!

Purge off ethonal. Redisolve in tane? Mine as usual.

That’s what I was thinking but was wondering if it’s just that simple lol

I did this for the MA rec market. DM me for pricing etc.

There are a few threads around the forum on the subject as well


Take it easy when purging out the ethanol. THCa crystallizes, THC does not. If you get it too hot for too long it won’t crystallize. Interestingly, CBDa does not crystallize and CBD does. So I recommend lower CBDa biomass.


CBDa will crystallize. Just takes more finesse it would seem…

See: Diamons Cbda?


I feel like OP wants some big ole rocks with terpy sauce. CBDa to my knowledge doesn’t do that.

OP is also throwing THCA at the problem.

I was merely pointing out that “CBDA doesn’t crystallize”, while an oft made generalization, is overstating the facts.


I would be glad to assist you in getting this consulting done. If you would like another quote, just send me a message here or email


Perhaps not economical unless you’ve got supporting lab equipment/experience, but if you happen to have a CPC around you can partition that raw etoh crude thca into a hydrocarbon at chromatographic purities.


Do you have a SOP for THCA from ethanol crude?

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Yeah after using ethanol get a better solvent to make thca w ur ethanol crude
…a crc w said other solvent will clean it up some also making it easier

But most ppl want ethanol all the way which can be much harder


Keep er cold through the extraction and purging process. For ease of crystallization redissolve in a short chain hydrocarbon, but ethanol-only crystalization can still be performed if the proper solvent-solute ratio and temperature fluctuations are achieved.


Thanks for the referral, @Sidco_Cat ! :kissing_heart:

@Brazilianchemist , there is nothing in particular different between the THCa molecules in crude extracted with one solvent or another. However, when done properly, ethanol crude does not require the extra Winterization step to remove epicuticular wax & vegetable oil that is typically extracted by aggressively non-polar solvents like hexane, heptane, butane, etc. That is because proper Cannabis resin extraction with ethanol requires the ethanol to be rather cold; between -60 and -20°C… which is the same temperature range as that for Winterization in ethanol.
The Cannabis biomass for extraction should be as dry as possible; down to ambient humidity levels below 40% RH @ 79°F (26°C).
It is also important to keep the solvent residence time of the biomass as brief as possible; no longer than a few minutes, maximum.
Another caution is over-grinding the Cannabis. Try not to cut the individual plant cells open with hard blades. It is best to use a “whip shredder” or similarly gentle method to break the cells apart from each other.

All of this and more information is openly available here on, but if you need specific instructions and personal guidance for the ethanolic extraction or purification of THCa from its crude resin, I can assist you in great detail for a modest fee. I am a professional chemist & consultant by trade, specializing in botanical extraction & cannabinoid chemistry. You can message me directly and in private, here.

Best of luck! :blush: