What is the most effective method to remove residual solvents from used molecular sieve beads? Solvent= mixture of butane/propane/isobutane. Used for a hudrocarbon extraction. Lets say the beads went through 100 runs( each run is using 25lbs of solvent)
I imagine that it would be something like this…
1.place used molecular sieve beads in vacuum oven.
2. Set oven temperature at evaporation temperature for solvents.
3. Pull hard vacuum on oven.
Yes the moment they cooled place in Sieve column and cap the ends till ready to use…only open when hooked up…the size depends on the time it last and humidity I’m sure… always cap when not in use, if cant store under vav…i just cook every so many runs depending on column size…
Usually however long @Soxhlet tells me to do or another bright mind I know
If any left store In vacuum sealed bag…dont forget to suck the air out lol!!!
I recycle My beads in a pizza oven at 380C thats what the company delivering them recomended
Minimum temp being 300C for 8 hours
For 4 hours so No vacuum just a lot of heat and store and cap them at 130 C
But he i am in europe and we are WAY behind of You guys
Oh it’s a vaccum sealed bag! diden’t see that.
Personally I just shut the valves at the end of the day, but the entire system is stored under vac except the solvent tank.
Not over used, improperly used. You should never be able to suck up hash laden oil into your mol seive beads. If your filterdryer gets regular slugs of liquid you need either a larger collection pot, or a design that dosen’t allow that to happen.