Member of the Month(s).. Don't Vote in this thread, it's the other

Holy smokes everyone I missed getting up the poll… Keep an eye for it to be posted later tonight
Edit:will accept last minute nominations until I post poll


Did they take the cart farmer


you workin dat pole :wink:

I don’t think I’ll ever make it so feel proud

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So for this month there are only two nominees
we have @anon56994712 and @tweedledew Show your support and vote for who Should be the next mom…

  • Tom
  • Tweedledew

0 voters

(you know I work that pole)


Yeah they took the cart farmer :frowning:

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(Clear text)


Can we add some. @Killa12345 going above and beyond the call of duty
Maybe @J12. For lightening fast stones
Esp if he’ll start giving us lil hints and clues :green_heart::facepunch::wink:


i feel like i have lol. whatcha wanna know?


An sop ,not beating around the bush. Straight forward, no secrets.

If I remember right, you once said all your knowledge comes from this place. Seems you’ve been raining master for quiet some time. Maybe you could pass the lightsaber on? Even if just in the DMs :green_heart::facepunch:


I’ve put a lot out there. There are many sops it just depends on material and what your trying to do. I’m happy to help but i’ve done tons of RandD to figure things out and get to where i’m at. I also know what the knowledge is worth and don’t feel that everyone under the sun deserves it just cause they’re on the forum. A lot of people think they know everything and don’t wanna listen so i’m not out here trying to spoon feed everyone with secrets


not all knowledge comes from here a lot is trial and error. If you need hit the DMs


@j12 is more than giving with his knowledge and information if you ask him, nicely hahaha.
Good ole fashioned human interaction goes a long way sometimes.


i didnt just nominate @anon56994712 for the tom foolery saying either! that was simply a joke. He really is one of the first people that showed off these clear slabs despite being fake…it took this place to another stratosphere after that…

He a great contributor here…always around! seemed like a great nominee


Well there are supposed to be 3… But I did give everyone a few extra days for. Nominations. You can nominate them for next month when they open up for sure

This was brought up before, but with only 2 nominees and a generally slow forum this month; MOQ seems better than MOM.

No offense to Tom and Tweedle.


Yeah or else some kind of ad banner needs to be put up. I think a lot of people don’t even know this is going on.


Technically i was the first person to post real clear shatter and how i did it after @waxplug1 breadcrumb trail was laid. (On my old account)
Jus sayin…
I remember someone even saying they didnt believe me lmao.

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Hes talking about bringing it up in general which was year at least before that

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I know. Thats the thread i was posting it in lol. Im not trying to take toms light (i voted for tom). Just conversation. I dont want the mom or anything. Just talking.
Its crazy id never do what i did to get that cleaar now. Lol #sketch
And it wasnt a year lol it was less then a month… Dec when the thread started. Jan when i posted… First picture of legit clear shatter on here besides waxplugs.


I know i was the 4th person to post in that thread and it was showing clear shatter… :face_with_hand_over_mouth: that was made 8 months prior to that thread even being posted! @anon56994712 brings a lot to the table on this forum as do you @slabby.

I nominate @slabby for this months MOM…how about that!