Member of the Month(s).. Don't Vote in this thread, it's the other

If the prior MOM winner want a bottle of the regen-a-root please dm me. I forgot about it with all that’s been happening.

Side note, anyone have 6x n95 masks for my family? I dont trust the amazon or ebay listings.

PayPal ready.


One week remaining on this month’s voting!

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A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO @WAXPLUG1 April’s member of the Month!!! Very deserving! May’s nominations will now be open feel free to voice who you think should earn this honor next!


I vote @tweedledew, he works quietly but what he works on is genuinely on the cutting edge.


I know this is a little late but its all about that Ether. When I was an undergrad working on a THC synthesis for the grad student I worked under I had to use some for a separation on an intermediate. My PI showed me where it was and before handing it off he asked, “You’re not huffing this, are you?”

Wow you actually worked in a university lab studying cannabinoids? I guess your name really is deserved then. What group was it?


I worked under Dr. Leahy at USF. Yes I’m a Florida boy. The grad student was developing a novel synthesis for THC at the time. I was actually published on the paper with him. I like to think that all the work I have put in earned me this name.


super well deserved…deserved it last year for sure too…good ole @Waxplug1! Congrats


Id like to nominate @anon56994712 for now giving us the term @tom_foolery which we call have come to use and love.


Congrats @Waxplug1
Thanks for leading me to water. Your a asset to this industry.


Let me know if you would like your free bottle of regen-a-root if you happen to be a grower.

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Congrats waxy!

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Waxplug1, most definitely deserves MoM, that mans made so much progress I truly am happy for him, way to go bro !


Thanks! I’ve been a little more withdrawn the past few weeks; ever since the cops came and took my chemistry set :frowning:

Once I get up and rocking again hopefully I can tease all y’all with some membranes & co2 tech


What happened

Sorry to hear :cry:

Awe man that sux sry to here

@Waxplug1 congrats bro

Keep killing the game @Waxplug1
Doing a big dab of some killer in your name today. Cheers!



So I’ll make a long story shorter

I was leasing a warehouse in a 40 unit complex in Canada, (the legal market is just coming up, most of the weed products are still grey/black market). I run a small craft spirits distillery, but we ran into a bunch of permitting and building upgrade issues. My partner was doing aromatherapy/herbalism and I started doing some ethanol extracts and infusions into topicals and tinctures etc. To get by.

This went swimmingly for a few years. I started to upgrade my capacity, built a co2 system, and started doing some higher volume ethanol work as well. Branched out into vapes among other things.

I was good friends with most of the neighbors. But I guess some uppity cunt caught wind of something, or went into the warehouse one time (I’ve left a bay door unlocked on occasion when I’ve stepped out). And she went and told strata council. Most of the strata likes me, so they shrugged and said I wasn’t doing anything worth looking into (because there’s plenty of sketchy tenants in the complex lol, many are running real businesses, just unlicensed). From what I heard, she then bugged the cops about it a bunch, and then…

40 of them including swat team, hazmat, fire, etc. All rolled up at 830 am. I was asleep on site cuz I was doing some CBD to d9 conversion overnight, and it finally worked lol. I was expecting a package, so the knock on the door wasn’t that unexpected, but I certainly didn’t expect the warrant and the entire brigade.

They immediately cuffed me, then asked for their safety if there was any BHO, butane, propane, explosive hydrocarbons etc. I said no, literally nothing volitaile, except for some pentane in sealed containers. They were pretty disappointed that it wasn’t a BHO lab, and in turn, there was pretty much no reason for them to give a shit since I wasn’t endangering anyone.

They stood me outside for an hour while waiting for a paddywagon (they told me I stank too bad to go in the back of the car, but not that I smelled like weed, just I hadn’t showered lol). My neighbors stared the entire time :sweat_smile: they came at the exact time everyone was rolling into work. Then took me in for questioning.

Then officer #1 just tried to get me to incriminate myself. Then at one point he tried to get me to trust him, saying “he was just like me”, to which I said there’s no fucking hope in hell I’d ever arrest someone for making arthritis creams; so no… He and I couldn’t possibly be that much alike.

Then another dude came in, I call him “good cop” (even though I asked if he was bad cop :sweat_smile:). He then started giving me motivational speeches. Said I “couldn’t give up hope”, to which I replied he was literally packing my hope into vans. He said I needed to “just keep going”, I told him he was certainly in no position to try and motivate me.

Finally he said “have you ever been on a rollercoaster?”
“Well life is like a rollercoaster, you were on an up climb for a while, but it’s gonna go down for a bit”
-So that’s the fun part right? That’s why people go on roller coasters, otherwise it’s just an escalator?
“Well no, you’re not seeing my point. You’re in a down part, but you’ll go back up”
-Ok, so am I having fun yet?
“Well no, but you’ll have some ups and downs for a bit, but you’ll get off the ride eventually”
-And that’s when I’m dead?
“No no, that’s not what I meant”
-Okay, so I’m not going to die?
“Well yes, but not right now, probably”
-Ok great, can I go?

Aaaaand, 16 hours later the cops finished at my warehouse :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: leaving all sorts of random shit. 1/2kg of CBD, all my vape carts and packaging, 200g of thc oil, 10lbs of weed, all my co2 equipment. But took so much non cannabis shit.

I added it up as well. With them bringing in hazmat, plus investigation costs and equipment. They probably spent at least double, if not triple on stopping me, than they seized.


I’m just regrouping. No charges, and pretty doubtful there will be any. Gotta pay back some people for gear, I’ll pull myself up though, always do :slight_smile: I’ve got some agricultural property available to me, as well as a native reserve by it (where federalis don’t have legal jurisdiction), so I’m gonna get back on the horse! Thx!


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Glad you can find some humor in this mess, and sorry you’re going thru that. You’ll bounce back, I’m in the US so not sure I can help much but feel free to DM if there’s something I can do for you.

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