Hell we might be able to add wax this month
So I took over doing the MoM from @Future cause he’s so busy and forgot to post the voting on time this month so this first go will be a little weird where we are voting for the last one and nominating for the next one at the same time. It’ll be less confusing moving forward. We are technically voting on this month’s MoM (March) and nominating for next month (April)
I’m throwing my vote for next months nominee to @Waxplug1 too
I want to offer a good amount of adsorbents to every winner every month or quarterly however you guys decide, as a gift for their hard work. I think the guys out here doing all the rnd and work should receive some kind of help from all the community besides recognition. So much talent out here that could move the whole community forward if they just had a lil help.
Wow, such a generous and dope offer!!!
I can toss in something for the growers. A bottle of regen a root. I have 10-15 bottles.
Shouldnt the first MOM goto @future? I mean, Washington was our first president, everybody else is just a president
@Demontrich @waxplug1 this is why I love this community so much! You two are awesome!
@drake future is the MoL member of the lifetime
Wow this guy has definitely been my vote so far for 2020. I appreciate @Waxplug1 and I’m inspired by @FicklePickle but rogue has gone out of his way to drop some heavy hints for what’s to come in the future of the industry. A lot of new things to try in 2020
There are only two more days to get your votes and/or nominations in!
so far for nominations we have
@Waxplug1 3
@Demontrich 1
@Killa12345 1
Nominations and voting close tonight at midnight make sure to get them in before then!
@FicklePickle. Man of the month
Congratulations to @FicklePickle on being the first MoM! Barely edging out @Roguelab ! Thanks to everyone who voted! I’ll get April’s Poll up a bit later today. @Future do you want me to make a new thread or can you edit his name into the first post?
well deserved! congrats @FicklePickle!!!
This is incredible, thank you all so much.
I feel blessed daily to be a part of such an amazing community. This place has made it possible for me to follow my dream and to make this hobby and passion into a career. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, this is truly an honor.
Much love future 4200 family!!!
Here it is everyone! The April MoM poll!! we are gonna be getting into a normal schedule now as future laid out in the first post
Previous MoMs :
March 2020:@FicklePickle
April 2020 : ???
We have another poll where there is no wrong choice! Each one of these members has given immensely to the community. Remember you get one vote! Who has contributed the most to your levelup this month!
- Waxplug1
- Demontrich
- Roguelab
- Killa12345
Congrats @FicklePickle
Seems I actually got heard around here! Makes me smile
U really deserved this for bringing some smile around here again. See the spoons even left
Congrats and thank you @FicklePickle!
My vote goes to @Demontrich this month for all the great advice he’s given, as well as sharing his uvc tech so freely.