Magic Mushrooms: how will the market play out? The ‘hemp’ / CBD / Delta-8?

I love it! I’ll gladly donate product.


Haha yeah time would be much better spent working on this project.

And I’m not saying you should charge dudes, by the way. Providing options to those that need it is a great idea.

But maybe there are other ways to generate revenue that can go back towards the main objective. Or increase outreach.


Or initially charge just for the shipping? I’m going to think about the layout of the site and everything this weekend. I have a link to help with the non-profit, and how to file. I was using this site as a guide Sample Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation Template for 501c3
It has a pretty good outline to follow, but I am always open to anything because I’ve never done anything like this ever


Thats the tough part because shipping is “grey” area.
If FL were to allow delivery in the med (rec?) Industry, I would think that would be a really cool business model.

A Veteran owned delivery service that uses proceeds to help Combat Vets. Could also act as a networking service to link guys to cannabis/hemp companies for work or security services


I wish I had more experience with non-profits. I’m working on one with a friend building sustainable housing and farms, but he’s doing the hard stuff.

I’ll find out what resources he’s using and link them


I appreciate it! Yeah, I’m thankful because I have alot of options. Just having options helps the most. The delivery model is something that I could do regardless. I mean I don’t want to break the law, but delivery is a grey area. However it’s going to blow up at some point. In Alaska they’re people doing it for “donations” and they are making a killing. If I were to do something like that here I could see it going somewhere, and would be the fuel to power the nonprofit and everything


When compared to psilocin/psilocybin the effects of Fly Agaric are extremely dissimilar though. 4-OH-DET has always felt like “diet” Psilocin. The comparison between Etocin and Psilocin is very similar to that of d8 and d9 imo.

Anyone else here a massive fan of 4-substituted tryptamines?


Yeah exactly. And people are always willing to support a positive cause.

Not to mention the amount of exposure your organization would get.

I should hear back from my buddy soon. I’ll post whatever info I get

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Wild mushrooms are legal in Florida interestingly enough. Just get a little cow pasture and you’ve got a shroom resort lol


Funny that you say that. I remember there was a hemp farm in KY that actually hosted classes and offered room and board to Veterans that wanted to learn and get involved in the hemp industry, before it took the turn to where it is now


Yeah, I wouldn’t even consider Fly Agaric to be a trip, barely psychedelic at all. More like being drunk. Never had a chance to try any substituted tryptamines, just good ol shrooms.

@Capttripppp, I think accepting donations from clients/customers is a good way to help pay for operational costs. There may be a lot of people who can’t afford a penny, yet there will be others who will happily pay extra to help offset the costs.

There will also be many without money who are willing to offer other things in exchange. You may find some awesome partners to help further the cause whose value can’t be calculated in dollars. Keep a community vibe going from the start, and people will help.


Looks like I found my new favorite place to buy sunglasses!


I’d like to see more potency analysis as well as some microbial testing. Minor compounds should be of importance as well.


I believe the facts of that case involved a guy caught with a plastic bag of fresh shrooms he had just picked. I think he got lucky. It is not a precedent that anyone should rely on, especially in a backwards and corrupt court system like Florida’s.

Seems like ignorance is the defense there lol, that and don’t share

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Psilocybin cubensis is one of the easiest to grow, commercially viable mushrooms on earth. I can’t see how they will be worth much more than portabella. Unless regs and barrier to entry keep the price up some. I knew ppl in high scholl crushing rooms full of amazing cubensis just from following instructions from erowid. My 2 cents on the future market.


I’ve literally been caught with BAGS of mushrooms. Literal garbage bags full of just picked mushrooms. They let us go with the mushrooms because we weren’t under the influence of them. As I understood at the time, that was the defining line… Being under the influence is the crime. It only happened once, but we drove away with a ticket for doing 12mph over the speed limit.

My guess is mushroom BOOM next 5-10 years. I would keep trade secrets a bit on the hush. I would also keep talking about the cashout possibilities on a hush. Obviously safety is number one but the more you talk about the boom the more people get on board and crash the market. Just my two cents.


Growing fungi for a commercial business is going to have way more regulations and overhead costs then a traditional grow, and combined with the fact that its a drug that has a very low potential for abuse will likely mean the customer will pay much higher price from legalization then in the traditional market


I can think of electricity already being lower. Fertilizer can be obtained for free if you are close to a coffee shop, and hanging grow bags can be replaced with a garbage bag. The only overhead increases should be in admin and legal costs

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