Hey y’all, first time poster long time lurker.
Gonna be a dump here so, please bare with me.
Had a opportunity last year to build a machine to run a little over 3000 pounds at a lions share split. Went from a single 6x48 and 12" collection pot, 2 trs’s a nitro tank to hand building myself a rack mounted system holding 4 6x48 a 100# sol tank, a 12x48 jacketed collection pot and a bunch of other shit.
Here’s the rub, yield!!! I ran this machine for 2 months straight, 100# of material a day, had 12-15% material and yielded an average of 8-9% consistently. Back then, quality, stability, yield and color wasnt an issue because I wasn’t paying for the material, the final product was pre soldand the machine kicked out roughly 40 to 45# finished product a week.
I have since taken the machine and my profits and have set up for myself. Buying material at $18 to $40 per thats purpl tested at minimum of 14% to an average of 18% to a high of 22 to 24%.
Still grinding away at my 12 tubes a day (100#) but…again, here’s the rub…yield!!! No matter what I do I get 8 to 9% across the board. Meaning 22% in and 9% out or 14% in and 8% out. I know, right, hard to believe!!! Its true.
This big bitch costs about 22k a week to run. 16k per week for material and another 6 to 7k a week for gas and ice. With 40# a week finished, 3% increase in yield is massive!!! I want and need to find that 3 to 8% im not getting.
14 6x48 columns rack holds 4 at a time.
3/8 injection
100’ 3/8 injection coil ice and iso i know, there’s better options but, old dog, new trick. I get -80 so who cares.
Shower heads on each column.
6" filter plates and bowl reducers on each column.
12x48 jacketed collection pot, pour/squirt out the bottom.
8 gal a minute, propane, way far away on demand water heater. 80% of the time I have liquid in my pot I am running at 140 degrees water temp. If you think that’s too hot, it’s not. Thats how I get 3 lbs a minute recovery…passively!!! Yeah, 3 lbs a minute, PASSIVE. The liquid in the pot is butt ass cold, it doesn’t even know its 140 all around it until its 75% drained and i shut off pump in order to not risk burning product. And again, yeah…3lbs a minute passive!! Ask me how, ill happily explain. 1" recovery line is a solid hint. The water heater is the rest of it. I only use passive and 3 trs21 for my hot loop. Yeah, its quiet in my shop. Ha. My passive is so damn fast I have to stop recovery mid run to make sure I have enough gas in the pot to hot loop. This is all how I can run 100# per day, just me and a tube packer in a 7 hour day.
2 100# solvent tanks. One dedicated to inject, one dedicated to recovery and I move gas back and forth all day long. Recovery tank is always left open to a vent outside. Since every drop of gas that goes in has been through 100’ of 1/2" coil its cold as shit and not a drop of gas is lost. For that matter, once the system is primed and cold, the tank is always in a vacuum. Again, 140 degree water, 1" line and 100’ of coil…3 pounds a minute recovery with no pumps!!! Ask me about this, it works, ill help.
I feel myself getting off track here, sorry.
I dehue the shit outta my material using heaters, fans and 2 dehumidifier for 24 hours.
I grind all my material in a 10 gallon trim sumtn preroll grinder. 15 seconds for a 5 gallon bucket all but gets the material to dust. Yeah this screws up color but, crc takes place down stream so it’s not an issue.
Hard pack, 9.5# per tube. Light pack, 7.5# per tube, no yield difference what so ever, still 9%.
I fill 2 tubes at a time. Takes 25# to fill the tube under 60 psi nitro. I open to the pot barely and I shove another 10# over the top. With valve to pot barely cracked, I am positive the additional 10# of gas is more or less pushing a solid slug of liquid from top to bottom. I run the additional 10# through, shut off inlet and outlet and do the same thing with tube number 2. Once 10 additional has been added to each for a total of 35, which is roughly 4:1, I then throw 60 psi nitro over the top of both tubes and sit on the couch, yeah, there’s a couch in the shop, I then sit on the couch and slowly wait for the 70# to drizzle into the pot. I then fire up the trs’s, loop outta the pot to defrost my columns and push out the last bit of liquid.
Short of a bunch of other obvious shit, thats the nuts and bolts.
So, I inline crc down stream. My thought was the crc was slowing down the way the gas flows through the tuba and the system that I have been not crc’ing to take that outta my equation and nope, no difference. Still 9% yields on 24% material.
I have tried 60# of gas and no change.
I have tried 20# of gas and no change.
I tried more or less open blasting, no soak, just run straight through, no change.
I tried light pack of tubes, no change.
I tried no grind, light pack, no change.
I tried no grind heavy pack, yep, no change.
I tried prayer, yep, still no change.
The only thing I can think of is, channeling. I have shower heads but, maybe still channeling?
I tried a filter plate at the top under shower head, yep, no change.
The only thing I haven’t tried is BOTTOM FILLING and then topping off from the top and pushing the slug slow like I have said before
I am trying this tomorrow…I assume, no change. Lol
Oh, let’s add this…ugh!!! If you rerun a tube, same way and process, yeah, 100 to 150g per tube. Math an that, 10 tubes a day, 100 to 150 per…that’s 3 pounds of product thats being left on the damn table. Well, it must be under the damn table because I can’t seem to find it. And no, I can’t or won’t run tubes twice to get that out. There has to be something im missing that is fixable to get those 5 to 10% that im leaving behind.
Sorry for the sloppy post but, thank you in advance for ANY AND ALL HELP!!!
Ask away. I’ll happily answer. I have built and ran a beast for over a year now but, this last issue will make or break me.
Where the hell is my oil?? I know where it is, its getting left in the tube, why???
Thank you!
Oh yeah, isolated room, multiple explosion proof fans, gas detectors and all the smart shit
Bad, very bad pictures…I’ll take some more in the am.
Old pics. 2" recovery port and 1" line added to collection pot.