Looking for a new SPD, what's your adapter preference?

That’s because it’s not silver or genuine bro.

But it works, and it was cheap!


Why would you run a luna to distillate when you can run it to isolate and have a superior product with less work? Or do you mean reclaim?


It’s less work to make thca from shit material than to winterize and decarb cude in the same reactor and dump into a wiper?

It is with this spicy gas honestly, pour wet cap loose 10 minutes later pour off the top.


Love it when defects creat new features.

I’ve always said the most important part of Medusa is to find out what it is so we can use it to our benefit.


I would wager to say that it isn’t crashing out all the thca and there is stuff left in solution.


Everything shifted a little, but there are a couple useful things it does, knowing what it is for sure allows us to use the advantages safley for sure.
If the gas gets normal again, I’m saving at least 1 spicy tank, I finally ran out of the old non spicy, I do still have some 70/30 that’s old and normal.

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You are probably correct, but I think you could add more gas and it might keep crashing, if you let it go to low it makes the isolate yellow/gold instead of mostly pure white…

While you’re thinking about it I would recommend checking out the stainless steel options too. That extra head will cost you half of the cost of a full 10L system.

Wider options are going to be available soon.

The benefits are many. If you have any questions let me know


Stainless steel is a great option!


Jesus this was derailed quick :joy:

There’s no reason you need to spend $50k on a distillation system, I design my own systems and have them built to my specs for easily half of that, including edwards pumps and heating mantle. I’m designing a 20L system right now that still won’t cost that much.

I used to have issues with leaky isolation valves but then I figured out if I cleaned and greased them between every run they don’t leak anymore.

Swing arms are good too, I used to run a double swing arm setup but when I started using 5L receiving flasks they wouldn’t fit as well and would stress the glass more than I liked when full of disty.

I would say once you get to over a couple liters an hour output the discharge pump becomes easier to rationalize.



Discharge pumps are great on wipers.

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I’d rather spend sub 10k for an SPD from Alex than 50k for summits overpriced shit. The stainless SPD will last longer with less hassle and lower OpEx as well!

To be honest I was thinking the hijacking would have happened a day or two ago, but once it did it escalated very quickly, alas, back on track.

This is an ever evolving project of researching, getting quotes and lead times, revisiting our priorities/wants, talking with peers, researching again, and of course the owners input has us taking new avenues. Mainly trying to scale at a reasonable pace/price while still giving the higher ups the numbers they expect for the investment. I’m thankful for this place as it seems to be a great place to research and discuss these types of things among those who may have in such matters.

The main thing that has me worried with overseas glass is the lead times after we do order. I could be wrong, but I think it’ll be into summer of next year when we receive the new glass, based on what has been said to me and with Chinese New Years here in a few weeks.

After fighting the iso valve a few runs back it has been my new practice to dismantle, clean, and apply new grease for every run. I still had a slight leak on the last run, noticed the ptfe o-ring had very small cracks in it. Replaced the o-ring, so I’m curious to see how it does this next round.

What are your thoughts of a full bore 5L or even a 10L head on a 12L boiling flask?

Good to know about the extra stress of big receiving flasks on a swing arm. It was a thought I had, but I didn’t noticed the lack of anyone having huge receiving flasks on dual swing arms, so I figured it was not common practice.

Thank you all for your time, knowledge, and willingness to share.

Touting spd Over a wiper? Bro you are 100% Elliot


No it’s Connor. :joy::rofl::joy:


I’m glad this has all taught us something

BIG PP guys use wipers

smollpp enbies use spd (small peen disorder)

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I did not receive the screenshot of the problem you discussed with us. And our account has been open all along without any problems. Please provide evidence.


What type of grease are you using around the orings and the seal on your valve? I had to start using a denser Krytox grease to get it to seal completely.

By full bore do you mean like a 34/45 sized head? On anything over a 5L I would recommend going with the 100mm head flange size then 34/45 joints everywhere else. That way you can size up or down and use the same head. I can use my 100mm head on a 5L, 10L and 20L.

I just talked to my manufacturer in China and he said they’ll be back to work the end of January and production time is their normal 10-15 days. Shipping times are quick too.