Local prices for shatter?

Bye bye

Iā€™m curious OP, still got those A units?
Your numbers sound too good to be true.
-Sincerely, east coast fucker

My boy tried that one on me, asking for 2000 on a lb of shatter, just told him we are universes apart, little turd used to try to chuck his stuff at me at 600/oz.

I can believe there are people out there with a back stock/large scale to allow for pricing like that, but i never saw it, or heard of anyone going that low, so I donā€™t entertain the idea unless someone is in the mid 3ā€™s, then it is a workable deal.

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12-13 for a unit of live resin in BC Canada :frowning:

The new low.

That exotic cough


Ran across some of that pine sap shit a couple weeks back. Some people have no heart.

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Just get a cls and a lb of weed a vevor vacuum oven and make your own jeezus my dude. 6k/a lbā€¦ Like wtf.

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7500 new low


You get itā€¦


Yes while weed is at an all time high price and shortage I should blast pounds of it for food grade bho


did you see what dispensaries charge for edibles?

You can sell a Cart here for $250 lol

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Insane if thatā€™s trueā€¦

$178USD to be more accurate. This is for a 1g cart of something in a fake box.

Is there any way to tell if your shatter has pine resin in it? I know the common advice is to stick to people you trust, but just wondering for the sake of the argument if there are any tell tell signs?

Iā€™ve seen vids on Instagram of people trying to give advice and show them burning it and saying pine resin smells obvious, but IDK if any of that stuff is true.

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Iā€™m very interested as well

not in the us so around 10k/p

but if im looking at BM this is what I personally see, which might or might not be straight boof.


(nearly clear crcā€™d ^^)

Explains why youā€™re here learning to make emā€¦

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Well thereā€™s that and the fact that making them is a lot of fun and very difficult. There are so many variations on the handling of the product that determines what comes out at the end. Itā€™s a sensitive process and Iā€™d love to learn teks that might help take us into the future.