Local prices for shatter?

I don’t hate on anyone’s prices, whether buying or selling or middlemanning. People have their own reasons for charging what they do,
But yeah, liters for 65 are not uncommon at all

Prices for it around New England?

True that true that there are way too many price bull shittters trying tell you how much something should cost etc all markets are so different you can’t provide the same price every where😔

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2-4 zips every week I’m in Baltimore MD also shopping around for like 250-500 gs of disilate because I’m not a baller but if I had the right ppl I’d be grabbing l s but all the losses i been taking trying to find a consistent plug have been hurting but the fact I can get beautiful flower for 1700 a lp I’m still eating apparently I have to edit my post


If I could send there I’d be rich. Can’t wait for cross border trade. As soon as you guys legalize federally it’s game on haha. We’ll be sending you 1k #s fs


What do you mean by toll in reference to not being as good as if you bought the material?

Depending on where you live in Michigan most people charge $30-$40 for any kind of shatter/badder. $50-$70 for sauce on the rocks. No one has crc tek here yet so that shits gonna be crazy priced when it comes. I’m a firm believer, good quality tasty shatter should be no more that $15-20, and sauce on the rocks should be $30-$40. You do come across some $5-$10 shatter around here but it’s as black as the back round of this site.

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I know at least 2 people in that state currently doing CRC. Not sure where it’s ending up, but I’ve seen them in action.


Down here I think it’s 65$ a ½gr of cannabis derived terpene carts - CCell. Usually the same three flavors. They have pay Era Pods for the same price. Dispenseries are expensive ~and I haaaate it~

Ive been paying 6k / lb for 90% TAC CRC sugar

Shatter is so hit or miss with the scams last shatter I bought at 3k/lb turned out to be CBD and the shatter before that was pine sap shatter I think I am good with buying shatter for the time being


Tom_ foolery :weary:


Man, that’s the worst. I’ve learned from experience that it’s worth it to pay a little extra for a trustworthy connect. I lost a few times in my younger years trying to chase the lower price.


yeah these people are trustworthy I always get the $ back


Stick with them then. Trustworthy people can sometimes be hard to find. I lost some good connections trying to chase the low price. You live and you learn.


Let’s work Im in the bay often.

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Live crc sugar?

CRC is in Michigan Buds Hydro even sells CRC columns it goes fast. According to some friends the few dispensaries they have seen with it were charging as much as 1k a oz! I am half of that when i have it around. sourcing consistent trim that will go clear is the biggest hurdle because for us small guys dealing with the midsized growers they still don’t understand how to treat trim.


Can anyone recommend a direct processor for units of shatter, diamonds, sauce and distillate? We’re a cbd company that started in titanium. In 2013 we created the first titanium piece for the original american nectar collector glass brand among other projects. We have sense had to move with the market and are looking to open a med shop to combine with out cbd as well. If anyone needs background info and more about me and out company please shoot me a PM.

Thank you very much

In what state?


PA and CO