Local prices for shatter?

$178USD to be more accurate. This is for a 1g cart of something in a fake box.

Is there any way to tell if your shatter has pine resin in it? I know the common advice is to stick to people you trust, but just wondering for the sake of the argument if there are any tell tell signs?

I’ve seen vids on Instagram of people trying to give advice and show them burning it and saying pine resin smells obvious, but IDK if any of that stuff is true.

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I’m very interested as well

not in the us so around 10k/p

but if im looking at BM this is what I personally see, which might or might not be straight boof.


(nearly clear crc’d ^^)

Explains why you’re here learning to make em…

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Well there’s that and the fact that making them is a lot of fun and very difficult. There are so many variations on the handling of the product that determines what comes out at the end. It’s a sensitive process and I’d love to learn teks that might help take us into the future.


Start reading bud… This place is a open book, full of free info from some of the best extractors in the world. Turn that 8hrs in to 8 days


Agreed - that’s why I stayed. You won’ find this stuff on Reddit that’s for sure :confused:

There is a market here for Concentrates that is saturated with illegal cut shit. If it ever gets legalized here I can stay ahead of things and start an enterprise, but that’s the dream. I’d sell off all my other income assets, create a dispensary and just extract all day and live out the rest of my days :slight_smile: sigh


You’ll be able to tell based off of smell. It smells like burning sap, burns your nose a bit, and almost smells like plastic. Trust me when I say, you will know something is wrong.

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We are located in so cal and sell shatter all day at 2600 not sure where everyone else is at around here


1k per oz. Or pay 80 per 1/2 gram at the dispensary.

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Your math is off. Id rather sell for 1k an oz than 80/8th lol

Got damn where u at?

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I got confused,I havent been to the dispensary but its 80 an 1/8 flower, I just looked it up and after tax its around 90 a gram of shatter. the 1/2 gram carts are 80. people sell oils for around 400- 1000 for what they call a slab. Ive seen all kinda shit sold as a slab just because its pressed thin. I saw crc slabs sold as rosin a few years ago and I was like wtf how can you press it with heat and it comes out white?i prefer the 1k price, it makes live resin feasable vs just having dank nugs.

80 for 3.5? Jesus that’s shitty.

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they stand in lines for it ,weed is a good business.

Thump thump thump


Curious what prices are getting for badder in so cal?

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Need pls

2600-2700 so cal