Hello Fans of Data.
Goal: Database as many Active License Holders as possible…
I had to get a little work done myself this Sunday to keep my word.
This Database will be updated over time for the public to Find License Holders in North America. V1 is USA Only and incomplete on larger states (CA/OR/CO/WA/OK/TN/MI)
Due to their incompleteness, I’ve provided government portals to easily search those states.
If you’re looking for Retailers, Processors, Cultivators, Distributors or Testing Labs…
This data should prove useful as it continues to be developed.
This is a RAW data export and V1, so bear with me as I update over time.
ipfs://moveweight.zil/ to Find the Folder with Excel Spreadsheets CSV
To visit this website you will need either the Unstoppable Browser Extension or Unstoppable Domain Supported Browser.
Simply visit MoveWeight.zil afterwards and download to your hearts content.
V2 will be released as a .zil link only.
If you’re unable to install Unstoppable Extension or Browsers: You can find the Direct IPFS Directory here as a cheater Link for you to download right now. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZPjjZgohDMbghZn1igk5GYgZ9sd7Gt31u8eufSyFtskh/LICENSE%20HOLDER%20DATABASE/ACTIVE%20LICENSES (This will be deleted on V2 Update and only be MoveWeight.zil)
California: you can always utilize
To find valid cultivation and manufacturing licenses, please visit the CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing and the Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch’s search systems. For all other license types, (retail, distribution, microbusiness, testing laboratory, and temporary cannabis events), please use the Bureau of Cannabis Control’s license search.
Bureau of Cannabis Control – License Search
LA Retailer Search tool: https://cannabis.lacity.org/resources/authorized-retail-businesses
Colorado: MED Licensed Facilities | DOR SBG
LARA: Medical Facilities
Map+ Search ArcGIS Web Application
Oregon Retailers: https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/Approved_Retail_Licenses.pdf
Oregon Licenses: https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/MarijuanaLicenses_approved.pdf
Washington: To search you may visit here.
Overtime the Organization of this public directory will be put to other uses, for now use #1 is getting the data to as many people as possible. P.S. Sorry if this upsets anyone.
Feel free to Mirror <3
Next update will have Hemp License searches & Canada more organized. After all data has been obtained it will be compiled and parsed into one giant spreadsheet. Have a great weekend everyone. My database has a lot of contact information like phone numbers. Emails I’m afraid are far more… protected from my initial crawls. If they have a website they have an info@ domain name usually or a contact form… a lot also will state “facebook/ linkedin/twitter/etc” but not give exact link (first crawl) - This implies they exist and my second crawl will probably obtain those links.