License holder database

Hello Fans of Data.

Goal: Database as many Active License Holders as possible…
I had to get a little work done myself this Sunday to keep my word.

This Database will be updated over time for the public to Find License Holders in North America. V1 is USA Only and incomplete on larger states (CA/OR/CO/WA/OK/TN/MI)
Due to their incompleteness, I’ve provided government portals to easily search those states.
If you’re looking for Retailers, Processors, Cultivators, Distributors or Testing Labs…
This data should prove useful as it continues to be developed.

This is a RAW data export and V1, so bear with me as I update over time.

ipfs://moveweight.zil/ to Find the Folder with Excel Spreadsheets CSV

To visit this website you will need either the Unstoppable Browser Extension or Unstoppable Domain Supported Browser.

Simply visit MoveWeight.zil afterwards and download to your hearts content.

V2 will be released as a .zil link only.

If you’re unable to install Unstoppable Extension or Browsers: You can find the Direct IPFS Directory here as a cheater Link for you to download right now. (This will be deleted on V2 Update and only be MoveWeight.zil)

California: you can always utilize
To find valid cultivation and manufacturing licenses, please visit the CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing and the Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch’s search systems. For all other license types, (retail, distribution, microbusiness, testing laboratory, and temporary cannabis events), please use the Bureau of Cannabis Control’s license search.

Bureau of Cannabis Control – License Search

CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing – License Search

Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch – License Search

LA Retailer Search tool:

Colorado: MED Licensed Facilities | DOR SBG

LARA: Medical Facilities
Map+ Search ArcGIS Web Application


Oregon Retailers:

Oregon Licenses:

Washington: To search you may visit here.

Overtime the Organization of this public directory will be put to other uses, for now use #1 is getting the data to as many people as possible. P.S. Sorry if this upsets anyone.

Feel free to Mirror <3

Next update will have Hemp License searches & Canada more organized. After all data has been obtained it will be compiled and parsed into one giant spreadsheet. Have a great weekend everyone. My database has a lot of contact information like phone numbers. Emails I’m afraid are far more… protected from my initial crawls. If they have a website they have an info@ domain name usually or a contact form… a lot also will state “facebook/ linkedin/twitter/etc” but not give exact link (first crawl) - This implies they exist and my second crawl will probably obtain those links.


All your data belong to us!! Muhahahahaha

Cool project man!


Where do we send in the LIC info?


If you’re looking to contribute data. I will gladly review any files and see if there aren’t any duplicates and add them as part of a revision.

You’re welcome to send them to me in Inbox.

Ok, will do.

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So this isn’t an actual database but a collection of csv files…gross

The csv files themselves don’t seem delimited either, so its just rows of strings all crammed together. You could parse these for proper delimiting and then dump into a proper relational database like sql. But you have to ensure the delimiter is there otherwise you wont have proper columns in your db table.

Also keep it DRY - you have a state like CA when many different sheets based on license type. Why not just have one sheet per state and a column for license type?

Get this into a real database and it might be useful


You do know in Cali LIC info is public, right?

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I literally typed out what your complaining about being in a v2.

Here are some useful links for Texas

For this one search all fields, delivery, doctor, dispensaries, and CBD retails. Texas Dispensaries | Find Medical Cannabis Products (3rd party but helpful)
This one is a link to all the public meetings regarding CBD:
CBD and Industrial Hemp Library: CBD & Industrial Hemp - Cannabis and the Law - Guides at Texas State Law Library
Dispensing Organization form:

Contribute to or start organizing your own. :man_shrugging:t2:

Fair enough. Here is a link to three CSVs I prepared of Oklahoma Liceense types: Cultivator, Processor (extraction), and Dispensary.

OMMA - Dispensaries, Cultivators, Processors (CSV)


Nice. You spoiled in that contribution.
Very pleasantly surprised. It will be added to the final spreadsheet. Thank you.

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This is invaluable information.

Thank you


It will since we as manufacturers and cultivators are always looking to market our products.

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By the time it’s completed this should enable anyone and everyone to “move weight.” :wink:


Felt Froggy…

Here’s a Canada License DB Dump - Still V1 status - Not Parsed.


This is an incredible amount of work and exceptionally generous of you to share it. I am a database marketer and this is extremely valuable info.

I recently spoke with someone who claims to have the largest opt in database of CBD users but he wouldn’t sell it for any cost. He uses it to lol for hot spots to place his smart kiosks.

I’ll get my hands on it one way or another.

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We can be friends.

I have yet to find something I can’t obtain.

Gift and a Curse really.

No mass or New England areas?

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Guess I should see what new england has. I’m sure there are more than this outdated thing. I will have an updated version soon. Juggling

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@SISU please dm me when free. I wanted to have you talk to the team I’ve worked with and have your input after.

Maine adult use stuff is here