Learning cannabis lilith

This post is to some of my understanding of the cannabis.
Including the plant itself, the cannabis related industry, and more.
Since marijuana is not legally available in China, the knowledge I have come across is from second-hand experience on the internet and cannot be guaranteed to be accurate, so I will update it from time to time and welcome criticism and correction if there are any mistakes.

Having recently learned about the gender of the cannabis plant, it is my understanding that female cannabis produces flower buds and therefore numerous cannabinoids. Whereas male cannabis will only produce seeds and not buds, so is it possible that cannabinoids such as THC are not produced at all in male cannabis plants?
I searched and found that male marijuana will actually contain traces of cannabinoids, but the dose is very small and negligible, and I asked my friend in Thailand he said that male marijuana does not produce cannabinoids at all, so. whcih one is correct?

Basic biology: males don’t make seeds.

Rather than learning from folks without a clue, then trying to teach those that do. You should look at the information collected here.

I suggest you starting in the Data Dump! (Scientific Papers) Check the books, and general biology

Or here: Cannabis Seeds for Sale since 2003 | Seedsman | Seedsman


This is my favorite cannabis 101 website I’ve found. Saves me typing the same stuff over and over to every family/friend who has hit me up with questions over the years.


males have trace amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes. nothing worth doing anything with but to answer your question… yes.


Thanks, I read a lot from ur links, they helped. And I summarized some points with male plant:

  1. The stuff I used to thought to be seeds on male plant, actually these ball-like growths look a little like garden peas, developing to become pollen sacs, they are usually used for breeding strains by pollination. Besides, hermaphrodite plants are not so quality with cannabinoids as well.

  2. Male plant contains lower cannabinoid concentrations compared to female plant, however it’s still useful, just not as potent as female plant when smoking. But it can be made to hashish and cannabutter and edibles and tea, etc.

Yeah, gotcha. Thank you so much ; )

Thanks so much for sharing. Glad to get to the professional channels of you guys!

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My very first plant was male. It got me way higher than brown brick weed.


Just saw this… I don’t think we should generalize, maybe overall the female plants have higher cannabinoid content than the males, but that doesn’t exclude some male plants from doing very well

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As a hash forum-based AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with a general understanding of what a person and an AI are.

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@vapes420lilith what’s your take on this?

