Kief to diamonds?

Pack kief with steel wool or mix with biomass and run


Would you pack the steel wool first, then the kief?

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I would throw a few in material column start pouring kief in throw in a few more and keep repeating till the column is full. Don’t over pack. The wool should keep it from clogging and keep things flowing


@TwistedStill, wanna show us what you just did?


I’m sure it helps to sift your kief to get rid of chunks if you’re packing into the steel wool correct?

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Kief mixed with trim for biomass. Loaded into an OSS 10 lb tank. 1um felt, cut, lapped and wrapped. .020 304 stainless wire for my wire tie.

This allows for a butane kief slurry that you can agitate manually. Push solvent out with nitro. Fill with solvent again for another wash etc.

I also am just trying to do the best I can with what I’ve got. So sometimes a solvent tank becomes a material column…


It took me a minute to realize that was a dip tube haha. I was confused for second.

Looks like a good idea!


Sorry. I should have pointed that out.

Once the vessel gets injected with butane…I shake and roll that fucker around a bit. Pressurize the head space, squirt that tane up and out the dip tube into the CRC then collection.


How did it all end up working? Get some more oil out of that kief?

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It worked well. I got more oil, but there was still way more veggie matter than I had expected.

The extract is beautiful. It’s going into my next round of personal carts.


I was thinking of doing this with filter papers on dip tube.
Got a link for the felt?


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This is great.

I love it.

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You still rolling it up? The discs work fantastically and make it so a sheet lasts forever. I’m actually just running a disc once or twice and tossing it. Don’t even have to worry about the felt getting dirty anymore.


My rig is in a transitional phase. I’m currently rolling it at about 1.5" thick in my 3" crc.

I am going from a 6x36 collection to a 12x24. Upping to a 6" CRC.

I made a bunch of 6" filter rings. They allow me to use the felt flat just like a paper. I will be joining you soon…


I think it’s funny how many of us are up waay early lol, definitely makes the lazy stoner stereotype bs.

Nice! It’s awesome using the felt flat, making this a consumable was great.

Also, congrats on upgrading!


I think for non-stoners 9:30am isn’t that early lol

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Well I typed that at 550 something AM…timezones and shit…it has to do with the earths rotation and your specific placement on its circumference.


Haha, I know, but 6 is early for a lot of people. 6 is sleeping in for me.

Edit: it seems like that for a group of people here no matter the time zones.

Back on topic, anything you’d do different when running kief again?

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