It's Willbillytek. Duh

I’m saying light effects color. Big time.


Can someone that understands science please breakdown their interpretation of an oswaldt ripening of thca


3 posts were split to a new topic: TT Viscosity on a MS


This made me think of this:

How does Blue Ice Form?

You can compare the hue and formation of these great ice chunks to that of a glacier. The formation occurs when snow on top of the ice is compressed and squeezes out all of the air bubbles increasing its density. This process allows the ice to absorb colors, resulting in vibrant chunks of blue ice. When the light hits the ice, especially on a bright Michigan winter day, the sight is chillingly beautiful.


That’s different polymorphs though

Maybe he found one that expresses color in certain terpenes


Like not even close “Big time”?


That’s such an Awful image. I agree the lab should hire better photographers :popcorn::pray:


Its basicaly a method/process of forming larger crystals, imo.

In chemistry, the term refers to the growth of larger crystals from those of smaller size which have a higher solubility than the larger ones. In the process, many small crystals formed initially slowly disappear, except for a few that grow larger, at the expense of the small crystals. The smaller crystals act as fuel for the growth of bigger crystals.


I heard Willy said in the podcast that it was a different polymorph?


Honestly looks like the plastic container with them in it.

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Yeah I mean identifying a cannabinoid is extremely easy. Especially if you know the mw of what you’re looking for. This is not as cut and dry as a high mw cannabinoid.

I didn’t say I knew for certain. I specifically said I obviously cannot know for certain without test results. There are very few things in the plant that fit the bill here though. What we’re describing does not leave many options. The best I can do is narrow it down to compounds that are documented to occur in cannabis. I have no skin in the game here.

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Right, so what do you think about a speculative sop

Dissolve thca in water until some seeds are left undissolved and then

slowly dilute with neutral ph?

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thats what I thought. Horrible picture either way

All the polymorphs of thc and cbd has been discovered so

It’s sounding more and more like maybe he found one that expresses color better then the standard polymorph we use

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How slow of an sop we talking

He also mentioned crystallizing at -86C.

Perhaps it truly is “blue ice effect” haha.

Too bad the moisture content wasn’t tested on that COA, it might just be water.

Overnight oats lol


Hes cold crashing to get formations then doing a recrystallization I think

@moveweight said the clear diamonds tasted like Christmas trees

Gotta be a recrystallization in a terpene…

I bet the terpene is what gives a different polymorph