It's Willbillytek. Duh

I ainā€™t gon say nothinā€¦:laughing:

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Crystals can also be formed by covalent bonding. For example, covalent bonds are responsible for holding carbon atoms together in diamond crystals


-ion exchange resin, pentane ,cold n-butane extracted highly purified non de-carbed cannabis oil

-ion exchange allows the slightly polar covalent bond of THCA to become definitely polar covalent(more polar)
We know that polar molecules are attracted to each other by dipole-dipole attractions

Pentane is an alkane with the formula C5H12

  • the carbon left over from evaporation of pentane acts as a lattice for rapid crystal growth when evaporation occurs the leftover carbon attaches itself to the carbon molecules in thca acting as a bridge im paraphrasing here so hereā€™s a picture of the molecular structure use your imagination

-(look at ### 1.3Crystal Structures)

-why are the diamonds blue ? the blue u see in the crystal is caused by the structure of the crystal (stacking of molecules) via Color polymorphism in organic crystals i donā€™t believe its caused by an additive but rather the method of crystallization and extraction method ,Ion-exchange resin , winterize, filter, crc ,achieve maximum purity then dissolve in pentane, i think temperature variation while purging pentane and or pressure applied during this process is what make color blue also iv read of ultrasonic frequency can form different types of crystals but i think its ion exchange and temp pressure relate or maybe Iā€™m completely wrong any would like someone with some chemistry background to look at what iv said and let me know if it makes sense

ā€œYou canā€™t manage knowledge ā€” nobody can. What you can do is to manage the environment in which knowledge can be created, discovered, captured, shared, distilled, validated, transferred, adopted, adapted, and applied.ā€

I believe knowledge should be free this forum has taught me a lot i want to share what i have learned so others can prosper :face_with_monocle:


mic drop


Itā€™s an ā€œadditiveā€ that is altering the crystalline structure by taking the place of a thca molecule every so often in the lattice.

Itā€™s a cocrystal


so purple is left over delta 8 after ion exchange\ph change :thinking:
lil delta 8 contamination or some other cannabinoid that can change its color because of ion exchange\ph makes Diamond blue just like how diamondā€™s can become cloudy when fats get trapped from improper winterization during extraction. Prior to recrystallization in pentane u could add a lil bit of purple d8 or some other cannabinoid with color maybe acts as a cocrystal like TurahTurah said :thinking: ill do more research post what i find


Christmas in july?


Nobody cares about blue diamonds any more?


Only @moveweight


Who is that?

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Heā€™s just some extraction guy


Sorry. Been busy in the lab. Forgot to reply.

Products begin sales shortly.

Damn it feels good tho


For a whole 13 minutesā€¦


3 days
ā€¦ lol

We Still have crazy interest as far as customers and dispensaries go, weā€™ve been taking preorders since the start of july and start delivering products on Monday. but for all the processors out there who tried to figure it out and swore theyā€™d have it cracked in less then 3 days, I guess it wasnā€™t just as easy as adding Azulene to some mother liquid :joy::rofl::joy:


Since people here can make one cannabinoid from another there are some pretty talented people here capable of doing whatever they want to the plant and itā€™s parts. Didnā€™t someone else post blue stones?

D8 and all the conversions were worth millions in some folks eyes. This is why it was cracked. People still converse over it.

I donā€™t think they see the same revenue stream from the color stones especially after the public perception on places like blacklist.

Very surprised that one second everyone wanted to figure if colored stones and now there is apparently zero interest on the forum.

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@rocksteady posted some blue thca as well


@raghanded No he didnā€™t it was CBD and it wasnā€™t derived from the plant I have the the conversation saved


I could be mistaken. Thought I remembered you guys going back and forth about it.

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So people can make stones that look blue but are actually contaminated?

That does not help.

ā€œMY blue stones are all natural like Jesus intended, HIS stones are full of impurities ā€œ seems like an uphill battle.

Looking forward to trying these if they appear in the states I frequent.

Who wants to take the over under as to when these show up in Oregon? 2 years? 4 years? Never?

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