Is this forum a shit show? Mod Edit: Let's improve it as a community 🤙🏼

@KnowledgeSeth quote

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:left_speech_bubble: Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. — Buddha


:100: as always my G and i didn’t even have to use the search feature. :dragon:


Dear @Future
Sadly i am not so computer friendly
I would like to link and do to Many questions but the fact is i don t know how
Maybe an explanation of the posibilities
Tread for regulars would make iT more understandable to fools like me
:grinning: As the working of the advanced tutorial tread


I don’t fully understand your question

Stupid as i am
I don t exactly know how the menu in massages etc work and what My abolitys are in messaging links etc
For i can t find a tutorial
Sorry :+1:

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I don’t think it’s a shit show. One thing I think might be good would be more moderation of abusive arguments. Sometimes threads get derailed with 100 posts of bickering and insults and it never gets reigned in and contributes no content.


Perhaps make the front page feed Secondary then have the categories be more highlighted as ribbons instead of the box in the top left. Expand a search bar next to the future logo. andddd if going to restructure link/Highlight FAQ 's and most popular topics in respective category tab. lol, id learn how to mod sites if i could help i just read here while im in lab anyway. and yes the bickering with randoms in posts has increased some but it comes with growth.

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How appropriate. This is on the wall of my office.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @KnowledgeSeth display help.


@KnowledgeSeth i like your quotes.


Most of that can be modified in your own personal settings.

So I need to make that more clear in the faq


You can get the bot to walk you through it


Make a thread with a poll, democracy! Haha.

On a real note, I think this is a fantastic place, I also agree that having a few more people that are able to delete old, useless threads, repeated question threads, and remove comments that take away or distract from the thread would be ideal.

Lots of incredibly useful information here, lots of ignorant questions and comments too though…


A negative colors button/ night time read mode option would be sick. White font on black background is gnarly on the eyes with a phone. Had to bust out my laptop for this thread!

WE :clap: NEED :clap: TO :clap: GET :clap: RID :clap: OF :clap: ALL :clap: THE :clap: SLANGERS :clap: AND :clap: SEND :clap: THEM :clap: TO :clap:THEIR :clap: OWN :clap: SITE :clap: THAT :clap: PAYS :clap: FOR :clap: THIS :clap: ONE :clap:


what about just having some of the regulars who are on here all day every day become moderators to help clean up the BS when it’s cluttering up things?


@Soxhlet is now a mod. Any other suggestions I’m all ears.

A poll for what? @ExTek90


i think we need a few more mods. @Soxhlet really is the perfect dude for the job but since the CRC took off… He’s around a lot less and deservedly so.

I think @ExTek90 was suggesting allowing us to vote if a thread should stay or go. Its like survivor! LOL You can now put out your flame! LMAO. I love this idea.

Maybe a positive/negative system…if a thread gets enough negative posts…its reviewed for deletion.

speak of the devil…i see you @Soxhlet


Im trying to get on more, the sales team is keeping the fire off my ass and allowing me to focus on the machine shop/ research and design time in the lab.