Wyoming seems to be becoming more popular for LLCs, cheap filing, anonymity allowed etc
It’s always been popular…
I know a dude who owns 20 stores in TX slanging straight dank and calling it hemp d8. Lol business must be doing good, that dude just bought a brand new s580.
He franchises his storefronts. So he gets $100k for someone to open a storefront, then he supplies and makes the rounds on the product too. Times 20!! Dude said he’s shooting to open 100+ stores from TX to FL by end of next year.
I know the guy that started CBD+ using that exact same bussiness model, dude had 100s of stores across the country and was making a absolute killing 2019-2021, fast forward too today and more then half his stores are closed He had to sell his house, car and take a personal loan to pay off fines and lawyers (which he still owes more on) and is being sued by his franchisees and original investors for damages
That dude should think about:
“Why am I making so much money from this?” → Because nobody else is doing it
“Why is nobody else doing it?” → Hm I wonder why…
I don’t think he thinks like that. Dude came straight from the hood. There are more and more doing the same thing. Definitely in ATX
His name wouldn’t be Mouse, would it?
@Bret_HoneyGold Is this a conversion or straight from plant?
They take bulk hhc 9r and backwards convert to d9thc then recarb with enzymes.
No way if any fool would use that path
Although it’s a silly question, I am no longer taking anything for granted, or making assumptions when it comes to cannabis. I am just asking a simple yes/no question in the hopes of receiving a simple yes/no answer.
Literally this is atleast the bare minimum if you want to play with fire.
Yeah, but some ass stole the fire proof pants I ordered from skyblue collective out of my mailbox…
Cant call you a lier, the pants dont burn!
So is pack trapper real weed or thca/ hemp hybrid crap?
I’ll give you a cookie if you can tell me the difference
I think the #s are exaggerated but where aren’t they? I did try some 20%+ thca hemp ‘gg#4’. It had effects but compared to my unknown % not even pheno hunted homegrown it’s not good. A terrible value for the money.
Hemp flipper asking $200 an oz:
Homegrowers spending $10-15 oz to produce this:
Oh I can definitely tell the difference! Ordered shit from JK distro and though I definitely felt an effect something about it just wasn’t quite right.
I’m just trying to figure out if this is real bud to hold me over in between runs before I spend $200 on a zip of cbd,d8, or some thca/hemp hybrid.