Man… if you dont know what dimethyltryptamine is. You are really missing out.
ill be up there in 2 week @Cannacrabber. If you wanna have a beer ill be around the harve de grace area. Im more of a dungenous crab lover…LOL
Why not just eat a gram of distillate then just have some crabs…same effect? LOL
Lol I know what dmt is I swear… we need to make a future4200 page about making that…
How will you properly dose? It’s scary to eat a “mystery edible” w/o knowing the dose.
I can handle a 100mg edible easily, it will ok most mortals.
If you infuse the butter that’s best. If you use rso, its gonna taste a bit rank.
I think dm t nexus is the forum I haven’t been on it in a while since I’ve never really grabbed any bark to try out. Was looking at this stuff called purple jurema before
I’ve also been making edibles for almost 10yrs now. And I make quite a bit of infused butter. I use this butter for crab, pancakes, steak, etc.
But I use distillate, so I dont mess the butter flavor up.
As someone who loves extracting in all its various forms. I’d really like to learn how to do that. That and extracting psilocybin isolate. Been looking into this for sometime now. There’s just lots of misinformation about psilocybin and psilocin and which one actually packs the punch.
HAHAHA…you guys dont wanna eat my mystery edibles…have you all fucked up petting a furry wall like get them to the greek…i use to think my breaking point was 250mg of thc but im realizing i can take about a gram at a time and still somewhat function
I use bho for my edibles and I decarb at 180 f for 5 minutes and 220 for 1 minute so I don’t mess up the flavor.
I’m sure thca is good for you in some ways we don’t know yet so if I don’t fully Decarb I believe a more holistic effect is bioavailable. And the terpenes in the partially decarbed bho help to deliver the Cannabis across your m3mbranes in my mind. Maybe I’m just insane in the membrane
My wife fed someone a mystery edible the other day and I saw the dude get fucked up in front of my eyes… I’m talking 10-15 min. We calculated after that it was roughly 250-400mg of thc
Bong Appetite is already a show on Vice isn’t it?
At the trap events people market their tinctures at 2000 mg and they don’t get you that high. I do 150 mg edibles that fuck people up but nobody buys them because I’m not lying about the potency. I gave one to this 300 Lb guy who loves edibles and him and his friends confirmed they were very strong. @Killa12345 you’re a savage! I encourage you to try full spectrum edibles and see if you still need a gram of thc
2000mg tinctures… so are people out there slamming the whole bottle? How much were they sold for? People out there selling snake oil.
I make a 3000mg that is absolutely no joke. Each dropper is almost 100mg and doing too many will definitely make your face melt!
Not ragging on tinctures, but I’ve never found one that did what the bottle said. I think most people have had that experience. If you smoke everyday, the small dosage on most tinctures just can’t touch us.
But thats for legal rec systems that don’t want you to “overdose” lmao
This is the first thread that got me hooked on making thc infusions. Look how shitty this forum is compared to future4200 lol
Edible tolerance and smoke/vape tolerance are two different things. Smoking tolerance does not translate to edible tolerance, but edible tolerance does translate to smoking tolerance. @FicklePickle, I’ve got tincture that’ll do the trick. Never had any complaints about not being effective enough.
I also side with those who say to dose after cooking. Any injected cannabinoids will likely be lost to the crab butter (which most people don’t eat), and the extra flavoring it provides (especially if using rso) will not be to your benefit.
I’m in the PNW too, and Dungeness is the best. I’ve got 12ish lbs of meat in the freezer from the last time I went out. Crab, cream cheese, and shallot wontons with infused, homemade spicy plumb sauce is my favorite.
Edit: For those who don’t know what crab butter is, I am not referring to the actual butter you dip your crab in. Crab butter is the conglomeration of juices that collect inside the shell while cooking. When you pull the lid off the crab, all the juices inside are the crab butter. I actually really enjoy dipping my crab back into that! Most people are weirded out by it, though.
Yup, weirded out by that. Lmao. Just messing with yah. I love Dungeness crab as well, it actually has flavor compared to kings. I’m not bashing anyone’s tinctures, I’ve just never found one to do the trick for me or anyone who really smokes. The general potency of what’s available just isn’t there. I agree that edible and smoking potency isnt the same, but if you dab a gram of oil a day, I don’t think you’re going to feel a 75mg-100mg edible compared to someone who smokes a gram of flower. That being said, I’d love to try yours. Where are you located?
Explain how tolerances effect one another. I’m intrigued.
I’m in Eugene, but regularly make my way around the state. Always down for fishing, crabbing, and cannabis!