Info on THCV

:joy::joy::joy::joy: really ??:joy::joy:

mistakes happen, but this looked a lot more like “fake it till you make it”, and 19% THC was a number that most of their clients would accept… had they been able to produce a chromatogram to match, I wouldn’t still be holding it against them.

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I had a strain (space cookies) a couple years ago that supposedly had thcv in it. I’m not sure the amounts, but it did kill my appetite. Also gave me anxiety like no other, and I’m skinny, so I tossed it.


That would be consistent. Love THcV


I got a couple gift cards for GreenLeaf for dirt cheap in the silent auction at the Oregon Hemp Convention earlier this year. We normally use altitude consulting in CO. but they dont test for THCv and I wasnt buying their 31% total cannabinoid number and they couldnt explain it either. So we decided to send to Greenleaf for a 2nd opinion and they were able to identify the THCvA.

This is the oil when edging up the slab for a flip, dabs excellent!


I’ve got a cut that is 6%+ and seeds I’m starting a project with now. Will report back once we are ready to share.


We are working with about 6.5% with our disty atm. Hopefully some higher stuff coming soon.


Like the profile
I asume you remediated thc delta 9
Treu chromatograpy deu. To no delta 8
And i like the cbdv valeu
Wonder what cbdv is good for
Gona look it up have my own spoons😁

There are some cool patents from a few pharma companies that detail some of the nuances of CBD vs CBDV. From my limited study they seem to be very similar in effects, but some of the anti-convulsive properties stand out. Of course we still have much to learn.

I have some 99.5% CBDV iso coming in for testing soon, will be cool to experiment with the effects without other minor cannabinoids or CBD muddying the waters.


O Yes that be Nice
Please report your bio essaying experience😁


My buddy with the “lost kingdom” crosses is getting between 3-5% thcv on his flowers and its definitly coming from the Zimbabwe Landrace genetics


Didn’t read the the thread. Only a few stains have an amount worth pursuing. Based out of south africa land race.


Still available? sent dm

Almost al african landraces are thc v
Rich soutafrika Malawi and Zimbabwe highland s are all good starts
We have even found some marrocan strains rich in thc v but don t know their origin


Here is an extract we use for vape. Crystal Resistant.


Yo, did you ever get that iso for testing?

Check Olivetol feedstock.
All varins have been synthesized apparently.
Time for clinicals

Almost three years ago.

I’ haven’t gone very far into that so it’s just a place to look


Can I acquire a few?

Me too, let me show you my results.

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the total cannabinoids don’t add up…20% THCV and 20% THCA? but total is 33?