that’s THCVa…
edit: never mind. you’re right, that math is wrong. no clue what they’re doing.
that’s THCVa…
edit: never mind. you’re right, that math is wrong. no clue what they’re doing.
THCV is not an isomer of THC.
correct…and I never said it was!
read it again…
If it is an isomer , then the response on an FID is going to be identical to delta 9, having exactly the same MW and number of (catches fire in the FID) carbon atoms.
Which means that the 45% “wtf is this?” I got on my very first SPD run can indeed be quantified.
Until now it was not “identified”. It’s still not, until I run a known 10/10a and compare it to that jar from long ago.
I said I had a mystery peak with a similar retention time to THVC.
chances are that peak was delta10 THC, which is an isomer of THC.
IF that guess was correct, the quantification would also be correct on a GC/FID, because all that does is count carbons.
I was more so clarifying with the OP, but to your point- yes. Just wanted to throw that clarification out there, as there seems to be a misunderstanding about the chemical structures/properties of the molecule.
Gotcha. My bad.
@Rowan asked that a while back, and somebody should probably have pointed out that removing a carbon does not qualify as “isomerization” before now.
Im no expert synthetic chemist, but the synthesis would be the same as d9THC but instead of using olivetol as the precursor one would use 5-propyl-resorcinol.
has anyone produced a feminized seed of strawberry cough that comes close to the original?
Correct. 5-propyl-resorcinol, aka divarinol would be condensed with citral to yield THCV. 3-hepten-2-one is what you’d use for the total synthesis of divarinol instead of 3-nonen-2-one for olivetol.
I synthesized divarinol and condensed it with geraniol to produce CBGV. I then carboxylated it to CBGVA and fed it to THCA synthase to produce d9 THCVA, or to CBDA synthase to produce CBDVA.
CBDV can be isomerized to d8 or d9 THCV using the same methods as CBD to THC.
What’s your educational background? Looking at getting a second degree.
Thats pretty impressive. I never actually looked into the synthesis of the resorcinol but I am aware that is not cheap to buy, at least in US. Have you by chance converted it to the D8 isomer? Tried it? Tried any of the purified varins?
where are you getting your synthases?
How I can haz?!?
what software are you using to quantify that TLC plate?
I have absolutely zero knowledge on TLC, what do you think of this high level explanation cyclo? thin layer chromatography
An extremely valuable tool for the kit.
@cyclopath Justquantify - a web based scanner
I love Durban Poison with ~2% THCV. I’m patiently waiting on some more THCV isolate from LulaCBD. Has anyone else seen the potential with custom crafted cannabinoid minors?
For my med patients, We are doing 2 things: 2% THCV and D8 for a sativa-like carty. D8, CBN and a bit of CBD cartridges for pain/sleep/neuro. With hemp derived terps, the effectiveness (and profit margin) on these carts are fantastic.
The THCV/D8 carties are my daytime treat while I’m making sales calls and being annoyingly positive on F4200.
Does anyone have a gc chromatogram with thcv that they don’t mind sharing? Attempting to identify in a sample.
Pinged you the one I have earlier. I do have another test coming in that I will share with you as well.
This depends on the column, and on the sample. What kind of data are you trying to compare ?