Indofabs C.R.C & BHO Color Remediation Tek

yes why?

Iā€™ve seen bad celite give a brown tint to the extract before, thats the first thing I think of when people say brown. Can you try a run without it and see if it helps? if it does change providers or look into whats in it that is causing it.


ty sir will do tomorrow and come back with results


Id try swapping the celite for DE. I ran into a similar issue when I changed to celite.

It wouldnt flow any different. The only difference would be that I needed more ancillary equipment for controlling my jacket temps. Temperature is pressure. After New years Iā€™ll show its no different. Ive got my tank recirculating heater and chiller picked out. I just need to move first and then I can buy more toys.

Watchout for the cheap grades of de, because it is mined it can contain heavy metals.
They sell a special acid washed grade of celite 545, it I had to use celite or de I would use that grade.Now a days I just avoid it, there are better things to use in a column.


Yeah the reason you use Celite 545 is because it is pre washed to a specific mesh size. the spec sheet claims 0 particles at 6 micron or below, hence the 5 micron plate in the SOPs. Every grade of de is different so again be sure its free of heavy metals and id wash the hell out of any other stuff cause youā€™re likely getting powders in your final product otherwiseā€¦

Such as? I have taken what @anon86230761 has stated about celite to heart and am not using it anymore. But it did help with flow.

Do you suggest another filtration powder, or to just skip that altogether?

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@DUMPSTERFIREOG has an interesting method with washed sand.


calcinated quarts works well to as filteraition media


I posted a method using play sand that replaces the Celite 545 and is reusable. Havenā€™t had any issues at all.


Thanks everyone! Wasnā€™t sure if the sand bed would filter down as much as celite, but it looks like it will.

@Roguelab, for the calcinated quartz, would we need to prepare it like everyone is with sand? I donā€™t have acetone on hand, and if I didnā€™t have to prepare it as much as sand that would be nice.

that would depend on where you source it from
laboratory store it s ready to go
swimming pool supply store I would recommend some cleaning
japanees garden specialty store I recommend some cleaning also



One more quick question, Iā€™m seeing calcined quartz or just plain si02 sand when Iā€™m searching for calcinated quartz. Are these the same thing?

good question don t know why it s called calcinated
I think it s because it was heated at 900C but not sure
I started with a pot of lab grade then found some tech grade at a swimingpool supply store
worked yust as good
then oneday I stumbled on it in a japanees garden store where it is used as a sand in wich those lines are racked for beauty
zengardens or rockgardens they are called

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I like t-5, it does really well. the jagged structure lends itself to making tightly packed beds vs the looser beds formed by silicates. Those round particles just dont like to pack together.In addition t-5 will absorb heavy metals.


undoubtably! the scary part about useing powders meant for pool filtration is there is no guarentee of what they can contain.


@anon86230761 can you fill me in on why celite is bad beside inhalation concerns?

Interesting! I didnā€™t know that the particle shapes of the clays were jagged.

I know that all the bentonite clays are going to be different somewhat, but will they all have this same particle shape?

Also, @Roguelab I only asked this because using the googles, it points me to calcined sand or sio2 sand if I look at lab suppliers.

Not sure what direction to go now though haha, you guys gave me two good alternatives.

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Essentially, thatā€™s the only concern I believe. The shape of the particles could cause lung damage from what Iā€™ve gathered.