Indofabs C.R.C & BHO Color Remediation Tek


I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your up-front and open response to this.

I run hash full time, everyday here using t41 and I have been losing sleep and pulling my hair out over this problem. Your acknowledgement of the issue has given me relief.

I thought I would just get a typical “well that’s how it is now, deal with it” response like I’ve gotten from other cannabis companies in the past and I was anticipating needing to find a new product. Much respect for giving us the straight dope here on the open forum. I think a lot of other business owners would just try to sweep this issue under the rug and not say anything about it.

The newest batch of the “new” t41 I was sent is not as bad as the first batch of it I received and contacted you about a couple months ago. That makes sense now that I know you had 2 out of 10 tons still technically pass verification.

Please keep us posted on new developments with the t41 as I’m sure plenty of other people are interested in getting back to the old flow rates, or possibly even better.

On a separate note, I have been wondering if it’s possible to have a product like T41 made into small spherical beads similar to mol sieve like the ones pictured below. Even though this would cut the surface area of the clay down considerably and require a much larger volume be used it could possibly increase flow rates substantially.

Even if I had to setup a very large column of beads to get the same remediation effect as a small packed bed, the increase in flow rate (and production rate) would definitely be worth it IMO. What do you think?

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@Tech1145 :pray: I do my best to make sure our team is serving the community with full effort. We have had a hell of a ride going from convincing people to use clay, to sourcing enough in packdown to supply the country, and now to dialing in QC and market to make this bulk material available with repeatable results.

The pic from X D are from us as well. I like the creativity but I think we might have another option that works better…the sheets that are going to be in lenticular cartridge units soon can also be modified into CRC elements. This is pre-R&D talk but i can tell you that when messing around with such, it performed.

Thank you for having patience with Carbon Chemistry as we iron out T41 issues. The manufacturer no shit said, “There’s no problem with the T41” before getting our input and actually testing the lot numbers and coming back with “Thank you for pointing out this discrepancy”. You would have thought that soy and canola oil producers would have caught this issue first but nope…y’all did :beers:


So whats the best way to get better flow rate? Im about to start crcing again… Can i mix all of my powders with a bunch of beads and aa? Will silica and b80 pass through a 10 micron filter? There has to be a way to get better flow and not have to use nitro…

are you running passive?

I’ve heard that you can use a long column of activated alumina and it’ll work, too.



how many runs does the alumina column last?

I haven’t tried it yet. But I do want to make use of a long skinny column load it with activated alumina and see what happens


everytime ive used alumina i never saw a difference…this isnt the first time ive heard of people doing this though maybe ill give it a whirl

I have wanted to try it, too. But I haven’t had a chance to run dodoo butter in a while and that’s what I would try it on.

And it’d probably need to be a really long column, too.

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Crocs with socks forever


If you are getting trim coming through your crc what makes you think you aren’t getting media?

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LOL. This made me laugh

Looking for a build can you help

I have heard of people using AA in place of silica gel however it required 5x the amount to achieve the desired effect and was still cheaper than silica. What about sand? I’m sure theres graded clean sands a person could buy and try mixing with medias for a better flow rate. I have zero issues with flow rate and I’m passive. Curious what’s different that others are doing to have this issue. It flows as fast as I would want it to and yet some. Yes, I have to use an n2 assist but could get away without since my entire system is jacketed.

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We have just staryed op checking chromatography grade alumina in a finer mesh. I’ll have the team send you some after the holidays.


That would be very cool. I hope you guys have a great Christmas and new year.


update: brown tint is not from the t5 —— im flabbergasted at this point. anyone run into this issue before?

Well why don’t you try running without n2 and see how it flows…

do you use celite 545 as a filter cake?

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