Indofabs C.R.C & BHO Color Remediation Tek

Yes t5 or silica by themselves or together is all you need for nice yellow slabs

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I’ve got some trim that every time I run it sugars up, it tests at 4-9% terps in the extracts, usually 80-95% potency. It’s very fresh trimwith the best terp content I’ve seen on trim, it smells better then a lot of people bud.

I digress The world wants shatter for whatever reason and that is my job so what would you guys do ? I started by drying the excess moistures in weed hopefully lost terps too.

I’m going to run heavy silica and t5 to see if I can lose terps that way. And I read that shatter threads, I did a throrough machine and oven clean too and have been trying different ppls postmprocess to help. If you guys have any spoons just throw me on ever

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Lol, it’s been so long since I’ve been waiting for one my size, I almost gave up on sintered, but then you finally got some!

Have any of the 1.5 ones left? If you do, fuck it, I’d take one.


I’ll send you an email today!

I cant get the water clear or near that to stay in a slab either. I’m with waxplug though when I run stuff with less Si 60 to just help it lighten it seems to dewax less and I get a more stable product.


lmao i wish i saw this sooner, i just ordered a 3" from the site yesterday. Oh well, the 3 will flow better anyway :joy:


I’m hoping I’m not too late lol.

I hate tagging him, but @Killa12345!!! Help me out if you can brother!

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Pour thin and pull vac with out heat for 6-12 hr. Then crush cold muffin and vac down again but at 110+ or until it starts to melt. Pretty much just do the first vac at room temp and and after the crush just purge as you would any other shatter.


i been running at room temp. and 10:1 . I have seen an substantial increase in yield.
also i did a second run using my recipe. I didnt get water clear the second time but if very presentable. light yellow.

but i use a low amnt of powders if i increased too like 100gsil/100t41 per 900g, i could probably get 2 clear runs .

anyone ever get a batch of t5 that produced a light, brown tint to everything? tried baking it and everything the texture was a little different also. more coarse.

If you bought it from Carbon Chemistry or @Killa12345 then no. I’m thinking maybe you got some from a different source?

no i got it from carvon chem

I personally think trichs color(point it was harvested) and age after harvest going into the whole process (more powder /less) really matters on the final color


thats true but this was 20kilos worth of t5 i went through with all different kinds of material from different sources

i know it was the t5 for sure bc that was the only thing i changed (ran out so i bought a new bag). ive probably been through over 500 kilos of the t5 already and this is the first time this has happened.

@samurai can you throw up a pic of the new vs old T5?

I have used many kg’s of T41 and have also noticed a negative variation in the most recent batch of this product released from Carbon Chem. I know its a new batch from their supplier because they were a couple weeks late in shipping my order and I called to inquire. They said they were waiting on a new batch.

I am still doing some testing and will post pics up later of the old vs new but the new T41 looks much darker than the previous batch and the flow rate is significantly slower through the CRC column indicating to me that either the amount of carbon and/or the average particle size is somehow different.

I always time and record how long it takes to flood and clear my columns and this new batch is definitely much slower and is requiring more vapor assist and a higher vapor assist pressure than the previous batch.

Another possibility is that the geographic source of the bentonite has changed. I know bentonite is a highly variable product and is subject to change characteristics as it is mined.

i ran through all of it. its not the look of it its the texture thats different.

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Bring it to their attention with the lot number found on the box. They had a mess up this summer with t41. It’s not impossible. I haven’t seen any variation in t5 since starting to sell this stuff.

I only buy bulk and literally break down metric tons a month. I eat threw inventory and turnover just about every 10days here. None of my stock is over 21 days old. All the packdown bags are packed down within 30 mins of opening a bulk box.

I can’t speak for other suppliers but I’d rather buy a metric ton every 10 days than possibly sitting on stock.

I know this costs me quite a bit more on volume discounts but I’d rather always have super fresh stock!


A little disconcerting there are 2 people claiming the product has changed from Carbon Chem… @Shadownaught any thoughts?

@samurai @Tech1145 @CuriousChemist22

We did have a visual, texture, and speed change from the manufacturer late this year. We took about 2 months to send back product for varification of parameters. Out of 10 tons of product only 2 passed verification and that’s what has gone out lately. They did move manufacturing to a different continent recently and we have seen them struggle with that move and its associated challenges.

The performance parameters for current T41 are technically in line with manufacturer spec(pH, flow rate, carbon content) but is slower than previous batches despite being within manufacturer spec. We have been playing with a T41 with slightly less acidity that seems to flow at a speed closer to older T41, but getting that product in the system is a serious headache especially when ran concurrently with standard T41. But again, the manufacturer has verified that current T41 is within spec despite being slower.

I can tell you that convincing a multi-billion dollar company that their QC sucks is a challenge, but we did it and even slower T41 still has the appropriate properties that T41 is used for. Mixing our spherical silica into clay has been a popular method for speeding up clay that saturates and slows down, so that is one way to approach speed issues.

Q1 2020 has a lot of new products and supply chain coming online. We are holding the manufacturers feet to the fire on traditional T41 while also ramping a wider selection of absorbent media.